Besties To Lovers - (LiLo)

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(I'm back!!! I didn't plan on taking a break from writing on this, I've been working on some stories that I may post. However, I'm back now!! I'm open for requests if anyone has any!! Hope everyone is doing well, can't wait to get back to writing with new ideas :))


(A/N: The five boys are around the same age as they're in the same school year)

"Hey Liam, wanna come round today?" Louis asked. Liam smiled and gave a nod. He threw his bag onto his shoulder, thanking their professor before leaving.

"Of course, wanna play Mario again?"

"So you can destroy me again? No way." Louis puffed. Liam just laughed, wrapping an arm around Louis' shoulder.

"Well, what do you have in mind?" Liam asked. Louis thought for a moment.

"How about some football? I got that new FIFA game. Wanna try it?" Louis suggested.

"Sure, but I will destroy you again."

"Sure you will." Louis rolled his eyes. They reached his car, Louis pressing the button to unlock it.

"I will." Liam laughed, hopping into the passenger seat. Louis got into the driver's seat, sighing lightly.

"Ready?" He asked. Liam nodded, messaging his mum he'd be round Louis' house. Coincidentally, the boys live next to one another. So they get lifts in together, paying the other for fuel money if they took one car.

As Louis pulled into the driveway, they noticed a house opposite theirs, a moving van was parked outside.

"Harry, Niall. This is a lovely neighbourhood." Anne smiled.

"Mum, I wanna move back." Harry complained. He was posh. Liam and Louis shared a look. Why were two posh families moving into this ruined neighbourhood. It may look nice outside in the day, but during the night there's drug activities, street racing etc. It's dangerous. As the pair got out of the car, the woman turned around. Waving with a polite smile.

"Let's go say hi, don't want to seem rude." Liam said.

"Why? You've never wanted to say hi to anybody before." Louis scoffed. Liam rolled his eyes but headed over the road. Louis just followed.

"Hey I'm Liam, this is Louis." Liam introduced.

"Hi, I'm Harry and this is my friend Niall." Harry smiled. He had small curls in his hair along with deep green eyes which accompanied his joyful character. Niall, however, was a blonde. Bleached, of course. With piercing blue eyes and an awkward personality.

"Hi, I'm Niall." He introduced shyly. Liam shook their hands.

"We live over the road so if you get stuck, don't hesitate to give us a shout." Louis said, a small smile etched on his face. The pair waved as they began to walk towards Louis' house.

"Are you ready?" Liam asked.

"So ready." Louis replied.


( - Three Months Later - )

"Oh my god!" Harry gasped.

"What?" Liam asked.

"It's prom in three months, who is everyone taking?" Harry asked.

"Me and Liam normally-"

"I'm going with Zayn." Liam smiled. Zayn gave a small smile in return before looking back at his sketchbook.

"Louis?" Harry asked.

"Oh, uh I don't know yet." Louis muttered. Liam looked at Louis, his attitude had shifted.

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