Lockdown (Niam)

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Niall's PoV:

I was bored.

Me and Liam have been in our house for months and months cause of covid.

"Li I'm really bored."

"I know babe but we can't do anything about that can we."

"I know... Can we play xbox or something?"

"Okay pick a game I'll set it up."

I giggle and ran over to out box of games and picked out Minecraft.

Yes we play that.

It's fun.

Leave us be.

Anyway, I ran back over to Liam and hand him the game and he inserts it to the consol.

We sat down and built a huge house with flowers, trees, animals and loads of rooms.

I giggle and put my controller down.

"Can we make lunch now?" I ask and see Liam gone.

I pout and go to the kitchen to see him plating up some pizza he cooked.

"Yay!" I squeal and ran over to him.

He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"It's hot so be careful."


I grabbed a slice and ate it and nearly burnt my tongue but it was worth it.

The pizza was soooooo good.

"Liam you're such a good cook."

"Thank you." he said with a smile.

After we finished pizza we went to the roof to look over the city.

I went to grab Liam's hand but he wasn't next to me.

I turned around to see Liam on one knee.

"Niall you make me so so happy. These past few months have been tough cause of lockdown and I know we've only been together a year but those months proved we would stay together no matter what. So, will you marry me?"

I was speechless.

All I could do was nod, hold my hand out and cry.

He slipped the ring on my ring finger and kissed me.

"I love you beautiful." he whispered.

"I-I love you too Li. So so much."

We shared a kiss again and went inside.

We turn the game off, get into bed and cuddle.

We've only been engaged within two minutes and we're already deciding what we want out wedding to be.

"I want kids Li."

"Me too babe. Me too." Liam kissed me.

I must've been tired cause without realising I fell asleep.

The next day in Liam's PoV:

I woke up and made myself and Niall a cup of coffee each and took it to the bedroom.

"Morning baby." I whisper as I put the cup on his nightstand.

"Morning Li." his Irish accent was thick when he just wakes up.

It's adorable.

"I love you baby." I whisper.

"I love you more." he whispered back.

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