Special (Niam as parent and child)

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(this is requested by that_1_toad_frog)

Niall's PoV

I woke up in my room at the adoption centre again. I quickly rised to my feet, made my bed and headed to the bathroom. I always have a shower at 7 am until 7:15 am. Or it upsets me. Once I finish my 15 minute shower I get out and get changed. I brush my teeth and dry my hair. It looks fluffier today which annoyed me so I dampened it and dried my hair again so it wasn't as fluffy.

I don't have many friends. So when I do things I tend to be by myself. I enjoy it like this though. I am a 14 year old boy and I have autism if you haven't guessed already. I have a huge passion for music, prefer to be on my own, I have to have everything done in strict daily routines, I don't like to be told to do things and I don't understand social interactions.

It's hard sometimes. But I wouldn't have found my love for music otherwise. Anyway, It's 7:30 am and I go to breakfast. It's loud so I take my food and go somewhere quiet. At 8 am I'm in a room playing guitar; ignoring the people who keep asking to try.

Two people walked over. In their 20s. They worked here at the adoption centre.

"Niall?" A woman asked. I mumble a 'mhm' and she cleared her throat.

"We have someone who is interested in adopting you. Follow me." She sighed.

I get up quickly and followed the lady to the entrance.  A man around 28 years old stood. He had short brown hair, brown eyes, arms covered in tattoos. He was wearing a white button up shirt, black formal trousers and fancy black shoes.

"Are you Niall?" he asked. I nod.

"I'm Liam. I'm interested in adopting you." I nod.

"Okay." I saw him smile.

"You two spend time together and Liam come find us when you're ready." the lady spoke. Liam nodded in response and both her and the other male left.

"So. Tell me about yourself." I fiddle with my fingers and think for a second.

"I am autistic. I like music and looking out the window. But I don't like anything that will ruin my routine." I inform him. He nodded.

"Okay. What is your routine?" he asked. I explained my entire routine to him. Which made him get up. I don't understand why he got up. He walked over to someone and I heard them talking for a bit.

Liam came back. He helped me to my feet.

"I'm going to adopt you. So. You go grab your stuff and I'll fill out the forms." he informed me. I nod and go to my room.

I grab everything that belongs to me. Which isn't much.. My guitar, some clothes and shoes, my personal stuff (which was hygiene products), books and my diary. I went back to Liam and he took me to his car. It was a nice blue car. Not sure which type. But oh well. It was nice.

"You can put your things in the boot." I nod and dump it in there neatly then shut the boot. I get in the passenger seat and fiddle with my fingers. Liam got in and smiled.

"I hope I can give you a great life now Niall." he said quietly. I nod.

"Why did you pick me?" I asked quieter.

Liam's PoV

"Why did you pick me?" Niall asked quieter. I was shocked.

"Because. You're special Niall. Someone who needs a father to love them and to make sure they're okay. I want to protect you from anything that can hurt or upset you. I picked you because you're so unique and wonderful. When we met in there Niall you were the most amazing one out of them. Even if you were shy and quiet. You were confident with what you were doing. You didn't let anyone get in your way. You were you. That's what I wanted to see in a child like you. That's why I picked you Niall. Because you are you." I explain.

He nodded and smiled a little which made me smile. I drove home and took Niall and his belongings to his new bedroom. Niall walked around his bedroom and put things in places. He began putting his things away so I went downstairs and sat on the couch. I don't know how to look after or support an autistic child. So I'm new to everything. I've done research and prepared a little I guess. Then I know things about him personally because he told me specifically about himself.

"Dad?" I heard a voice whisper quietly. I turn around to see Niall at the door. I smile.

"Yes Niall?" I pause the tv and he walked over to me. I was confused until he sat next to me. I turned it down which he liked and we happily watched tv together.

A few months later (at christmas)

It is Niall's first christmas with me. And to be honest we've had a great 3 months. He has been very nice and open to me. He began to trust me properly last week. Which made me smile. He got comfortable with talking to my friends so he isn't alone completely now. It's still hard every now and then with Niall's autism. But I'm handling it as well as any other parent.

We have our ups and downs with miscommunications but at the end of the day all I can say is I'm very glad to be Niall's father.

"Merry christmas Niall." I say as he came into the kitchen. I hand him his favourite mug with his favourite hot chocolate and he drank it.

"Merry christmas dad." He said.

This was the best christmas I've ever had.

So moral of the story. Don't give up on something that's difficult. You'll grow better from it.

(hope this was a good chapter and I hope you enjoyed)

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