New (Niam friendship)

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(A/N: request by that_1_toad_frog)

Niall's PoV:


Me and my family moved.


We went from Mullingar to Edinburgh to London to Sydney in Australia to Wolverhampton where we are now.

I sighed.


Anyway, I got up and just about managed to get myself showered and dressed.

I went to the dining room and almost tripped over Greg's work bag.

This is the issue with crutches.

You can't stop quickly to move things out of the way you're going.

"Hey Niall. Sorry let me move that." Greg rushed and moved his bag.

I nod and sat down and me, Greg and our mum had breakfast.

"So Niall. You're going to the high school. Need me to drop you off?" Greg offered.

I nod.

Soon we said goodbye to our mum and Greg dropped me off to school.

I went to the headmaster an saw a boy around my age.

Tall, brown hair and eyes and was tanned.

"Hi I'm Niall." I smiled and shook his hand.

Liam gave me a look.

"So Niall. Liam here will be helping you around school." the headmaster announced.

I nod.

Me and the boy I assumed was Liam left the room.

"Do you hate me?"

He never answered.

I sigh.

"Fine I won't talk to you."

"No.. I don't hate you."

I smiled.

I was getting to know Liam.

"So what's your fsvourite song?" He asked.

It was currently three months later.

The longest I've been at a school.

"Hmm... I don't know. Hey, I heard you sing and it's really good. I know Harry, Louis and Zayn here can sing too. And they've got a talent show coming up as well." I began.

"So what do you mean?"

"Us five should create a band."

Liam nodded and a smile formed on his face.

"Okay. Let's meet them in the music practice room at break." He said with a smile still on his face.

I nod.

Soon lunch arrived.

"So these are the lyrics to the song." I lay down three sheets worth of lyrics for Rock Me.

They nod.

"We're definately gonna win."


The talent show:

I was shaking a little.


I was a complete shaking mess.

Absolutely terrified.

"We're gonna win." I mumble to myself.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the stage, One DIrection!" The headmaster yelled.

The school cheered.

We got onto the stage and started singing.

Everyone sang along.

Soon everyone was waiting for the results.

Me and the boys said if we won we'd become One Direction.

"The winner of this years talent show is...." The headmaster began.

"One Direction!"

We all hug each other and they were jumping about.

But I couldn't cause of my knee.

A few months later:

It's been great.

We've been recording a few songs and are currently in the x-factor.

My life has completely changed since I met Liam.

And I met him cause of my bloody knee.

"You guys ready?" Louis asked.

We all nod.

"Ready." We all say.

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