Niall Gets Braces (Nouis)

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Niall's PoV:

I was sat on my bunk waiting for my boyfriend Louis to come back from speaking to the management.

When he did arrive he had a frown.

“What's wrong Lou?”

“Nialler... They want you to get braces.” He announced as almost as whisper. But I heard.

“B-But I don't want to. They'll hurt.” He smiles and hugs me.

“I'll hold your hand Nialler. I'll make sure you'll be okay.” I nod slowly and buried my head into his chest.

“For now let's get some sleep. You'll get them done tomorrow.” I nod and climbed under the blanket with Louis.

We fell asleep cuddled up together.

The next day

I was sat waiting to be called for my appointment when I felt a hand grab mine. I look to my left to see Louis.

I smile and felt him kiss my cheek.

“I'll be here all the time.” I nod. I was called and both me and Louis head into the dental room.

About an hour later I had my braces put on. Luckily they weren't obvious.

We thank the orthodontist then left the place. We arrived back at the tour bus and I was thrilled.

Harry, Liam and Zayn were sat waiting for us.

“Let's see Nialler?” I smiled.

They all clapped and I felt embarrassed. But then Louis snuck his arm around my waist.

“You're perfect Niall. I love you.” I smile.

“I love you too Louis.” I mumble back.

“Now we have a show to attend to.” Liam announced. We all cheered and rushed to the arena.

This was an amazing week. And I couldn't have gotten through it without Louis Tomlinson.

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