Business (Niam)

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3rd Person PoV:

"Liam!" Louis shouted.


"Look at this!" Liam walked over and Louis had a photo of a guy. A hot blonde lad. But looked a little small compared to the guys Liam and Louis are used to seeing around.

"Who's that?"

"He's gonna be our boss."

"Really? Isn't he a bit on the small side?"

"So what are you saying about me."

"Nothing Lou. I promise. It's just. Him as our boss? Nobody would take him seriously."

"You'll see.." Louis smiled. Liam eye rolled and walked back to his desk. If Louis was right then he'd never hear the end of it.

The next day arrived rather quickly. Quicker than Liam was hoping. He didn't want to go to work today and meet his new fierce boss. But he had to. So he pulled on the nicest formal trousers and shirt he had. He left the top three buttons undone on his shirt and put on black formal shoes.

"There we go." Liam sighed.

Niall woke up to the sound of his alarm beeping. He didn't want to go to work. He loves social interactions. But he's short, Irish and apparently feminine. He admits that he does wear dresses, skirts, heels or anything of that sort. But he doesn't understand why one sex or gender should have to wear it. Since when did clothes have a gender.

Niall got up and looked in his wardrobe. He searched for a formal yet friendly look. He picked out a white blouse, black short skirt, black heels and a black blazer. He did his hair to suit the outfit and smiled. Perfect.

Mornings wasn't a cheery place but Niall hoped to give at least a couple people a better morning.

"Good morning." Niall smiled and walked in. Everyone stopped and looked at him. Niall sighed and waited for the nasty comments. But non came. Instead, a crowd of 'mornings' was returned.

"You're our new boss?" Liam asked. Niall sadly had to look up to the man.

"Yes I am. Niall Horan. And you are?"

"Liam Payne, sir." Niall smiled.

"You're very kind. May you show me to where I'll be?" Louis sent a jealous glare to Liam who nodded.

"Of course follow me." Liam smiled and took Niall's belongings into his hands and helped him up the stairs. They arrived to a large glass office. The doors weren't see-through however the massive windows behind was.

"I want to change this room around. May you help me?" Liam nodded and placed the couple boxes by the door. Together, Niall and Liam moved the position of the desk, chair, file cabinets and other useless office junk.

"God that was hard work. Thank you Liam."

"No problem sir."

"You can call me Niall." Niall smiled. Liam smiled back and shook his hand.

"Alright then. No problem Niall." Liam left Niall alone in the room and the minute he walked out the door both men craved the others attention.

"Louis he's so nice." Liam smiled and sat beside his mate.

"Yeah well he's hot. I wonder if he's gay? Or at least bi?"

"Louis. Is the clothing not enough to show you he isn't straight?"


"I'm gonna go ask him on a date." Zayn butted in. I looked at him.

"Good luck." Louis smirked.

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