Time.. (Niam)

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Nialls PoV:

Liam and I were sat in the living room. He was busy doing emails for work. I pout. Liam hasn't gave me a proper hug in a few days.

I got up and took Liam's laptop away.

"Baby I need that." He said. I shook my head and sat on his lap.

"Cuddles first." I said and hugged Liam and rested my head on his shoulder. He ran his hand up and down my back.

"Li do you have to be working on your birthday?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'm sorry baby. I know you wanted to spend time together." Liam whispered. I nod and sighed.

"I'll leave you alone then." I mumbled and got off his lap. I handed his laptop back to him and went upstairs.

It's been a few months since Liam's been busy. I found out I was pregnant two weeks ago. I'm really excited to tell Liam. He hasn't been paying attention to me that much..

I grabbed the test and ran downstairs.

"Babe guess what!" I squeaked excitedly.

"Niall I'm busy." He said blankly and shut the door. I frowned and go back to the bedroom.

I'm gonna tell him at dinner then. We sat at the table in silence.

"Li can I tell you something?" I asked quietly.

"Uh yeah sure." He said and looked at me.

"I um.. I-I'm pregnant..." I mumble and handed him the test. He just looked at it and sighed.

"Niall. I love you. But I don't believe this." He said calmly. I looked at the floor. My eyes filling with tears and I sniffled.

"I'm sorry.." I whisper and got up and went upstairs. I slammed the bedroom door and curled up in bed. How could he not believe me.

"Baby?" Liam asked and knocked on the door.

"Fuck off Liam. I-I thought you loved m-me.." I end with a whisper. I gave up trying to hold my tears in and cried.

"Baby I do love you." He whispered. Liam came in the room and sat on the end of the bed.

"But I'm busy I know.." He said.

Few months later

Liam still didn't believe I was pregnant. I have a baby bump now. I'm currently five months pregnant.

"Baby what do you need from the shops then?" Liam asked.

We were currently on the way to the mall. I rubbed the bump and giggled.

"What?" Liam looked at me.

"N-Nothing..." I whisper. He nodded and we got out. We headed to the clothes shop and some fans ran over. I love being famous. But right now I'm feeling ugly and I wished to be alone.

"Hi girls." I said with a smile.

"Oh my god Niall!" A girl screamed. I looked confused.

"How far along?" She asked, pointing to my bump.

"F-Five months. She's starting to kick a bit." I said with a quiet giggle. I saw Liam run off and felt myself tear up a little. The girls frowned and sat with me to make sure I was okay.

"Did you tell Liam?" One girl asked. I nodded.

"H-He thought I was lying.." I mumble. The girls frown.

"Well. I'm Sophie, this is Zoey and the other girl is Jasmine." Sophie said. I smiled.

"Hi.." I mumble quietly. We sat talking about the baby for an hour and Liam came back. The girls gave me their numbers and walked off.

"Baby.." Liam began.

"D-Don't Liam. Y-You don't believe me..." I began but Liam cut me off by kissing me.

"I'm an asshole I know. But I love you. I do. And I want to be there for you and our baby. Marrying you three years ago was the best thing ever Ni. It really was. And now we're having a baby.. That's the best thing ever. I'm sorry I was an asshole and I was busy. Do you forgive me?" Liam practically begged. I giggled and nodded.

"Okay." I said with a smile. He held my hand.

"I have loads of things in the car so we can go home now. And, we'll do whatever you want to."

"Can we go for a bath?" I mumbled as I hugged Liam. He nodded and kissed my head.

"Of course baby." He whispered.

We soon had our beautiful baby girl.

Riley Holland Payne.

Born 18th September 2021.

Me and Liam couldn't have been happier with our healthy baby girl.

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