Award Night Part 2 - (Niam)

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Liam's PoV:

Niall and I got ready for an interview. I asked if Niall could come with me, at first everybody was unsure saying it would be a distraction. But after seeing how comfortable I am around Niall during work, they agreed.

"Hey Li?" Niall asked.

"Yeah babe?" I replied. He handed me his phone.

"People are starting to notice Li, we can't keep it secret forever." He started. Ah yes, Niall's pregnancy. Of course it came to a shock. He said he was in tears as they told him, he would never have thought it was possible. I suppose there's only a little number of things you can hide from the media now.

"I know baby, whenever you're comfortable to tell the world, we will. There's no pressure, no rush. Just what you want." Niall nodded in agreement. I kissed him which he returned.

"I'd love people to know now Li, if you agree." Niall said. I nodded.

"Of course Ni, I'm ready whenever you are." I chuckled. He smiled.

"But for now, we should start leaving before we're late." Niall said.

"Oh crap." I mumbled. He laughed quietly and grabbed his bag. I finished getting sorted then we finally made our way to the studio for the interview.

"Afternoon, how may I help?" The receptionist asked.

"Hi, my name's Liam Payne. This is my husband Niall and we've been told I have an interview at 1:25 with Mark." I said. She nodded and began to type.

"Room 3, third door on the left. Good luck." She smiled. Niall waved as we began to head to the interview.

"Don't worry Li, I'll be there with you." Niall whispered. He kissed my cheek.

"I know, it's just.. I wish you could tour with me Ni. Or I could stay and help you while you're pregnant." I whispered in return.

"Li, don't stress." Niall replied. I nodded. We walked into the room and it was lively. People were rushing around and the man who was interviewing us, Mark, was with a group of staff.

"Liam!" Mark called. Everyone faced us and I felt myself freeze. Attention all on me. I'm still getting used to it. Niall held my hand and pulled me over.

"Afternoon." I started. Mark shook mine and Niall's hands. He led us to a few chairs.

"So, in 15 we'll sit here and talk about a few things. The album, you two, future plans and some fan questions. How does that sound?" Mark suggested.

"Sounds perfect. Niall's allowed to sit with us, right?" I asked.

"Of course, if you're up for that Niall?" Mark looked at Niall who nodded. I smiled.

"Right, you two go get sorted and I'll meet you both here in 15." Mark stated.

"See you soon." I replied. I held Niall's hand and we headed to get sorted for hair and makeup.

"Afternoon you two, how are you both?" A woman asked.

"Great thank you, how are you?" I responded.

"I'm good thank you Liam. Name's Shirley by the way." She smiled. I also smiled and she began to do my hair.

"Oh Li, my parents want a photo of the scan. They found out." Niall frowned a little. We were going to keep it quiet until we had everything planned out. But the plan has changed.

"Oh god, that's ashame baby. I'm sorry."

"It's alright I guess." He mumbled and put his phone away.

"Is everything okay?" Shirley asked. Me and Niall shared a look and I nodded.

"I'm pregnant with our first baby, my parents found out before we were all sorted. They can't keep a step away sometimes." Niall answered as quietly as possible.

"Oh that's awful. I'm sorry." Shirley replied with a frown. Niall nodded.

"How about we tell everyone soon Ni? In a cute way." I suggested. He smiled.

"And cute little shoes?" He asked.

"Of course darling." I chuckled. Niall began to look at his phone for different ways of telling the fans making me chuckle. Shirley finished doing our hair and makeup then we headed back to the interview.

"You both ready?" Mark asked. We nodded and all took a seat.

"Afternoon, I'm Mark Davies and I'm joined by the one, the only Liam Payne and his husband Niall." Mark introduced.

"Thanks for having us." I said.

"You're very welcome, now I have a few questions for you Liam." He began. I nodded.

"This album, was there any inspiration for the songs?"

"Um, I think a few have inspiration. But most were just songs I've written from a simple perspective." I answered. Questions were pouring in, one after another. Niall was asked a few questioned and finally we reached fan questions.

"This question comes from Lottie, will you both be having a baby any time soon? Is there a plan to expand the family?" Mark read out.

"I mean, we haven't really discussed children. I guess if we were, we'd plan for children later on. It's too early I guess." I answered. Niall held my hand and squeezed it gently making me smile.

We got up after the questions had finished and started to leave.

"You okay Nialler?" I asked. He nodded and yawned quietly.

"My legs are dead. I've sat for too long." Niall complained making me chuckle.

"Well that sucks." I answered. Niall eye rolled and got into the passenger side. I got into the driver's seat and put my seatbelt on as Niall did.

"I can't wait until our baby is here." Niall giggled and looked at his slightly bloated stomach. It wasn't too obvious which was what Niall was thankful for.

"Hometime?" I asked. Niall nodded. We got home and went straight to the living room to sit.

"Exhausted." Niall yawned. I chuckled and sat beside him.

"Niall, have I told you how much I love you?" I asked.

"Yes Li, a lot." Niall giggled making me smile.

"Just like to remind you." I said. He cuddled into my side and kissed me which I returned.

"I love you Liam."

" I love you too Niall."

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