Apple Music Festival (ot4 Friendship)

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Request by that_1_toad_frog

3rd Person PoV

It was the apple music festival and the boys were getting ready.

It was still hard on the band since Zayn left.

But they're trying to let it go.

Anyway, the performance started to begin and if was going great.

As usual.

But Niall felt off.

Not right.


It was warm in the building.

Maybe like 25-30°C

He couldn't deal with the boys worrying over it so he hid it as much as possible.

But it didn't work out.


His breathing began to change and when he sang he had to stop and breathe after every line.

He was sweating quite a bit which wasn't helpful.

All of the boys were.

But Niall mostly.

"Ni are you alright?" Liam whispered.

Niall just nods.

"Guys! We're gonna take a break but we'll be right back!" Harry yelled and the crowd cheer as Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry ran off stage.

"Nialler what's wrong?" Liam asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine, look can we just go per-" Niall was interrupted by Liam placing a cold hand on his warm forehead.

"Jesus Niall. You're burning up!"

"It's not hot in here is it?"

They all nod.

Niall sighs.

"Fine I feel a little off. But can we perform?"

The boys sigh and nod.

"Why didn't you say anything Nialler?" Liam asked and sat next to the Irish lad.

"I didn't want to worry you all so I never said anything."

"Ni...we are your friends. We care about you." Harry said while smiling and sat down.

"Look Niall. We're here for you no matter what. That's how friends work okay?" Louis added.


They walk back and begin again.

Niall stood at the end of the row with rose red cheeks and sweat physically dripping off of him.

The boys looked concerned and they all shared a look.

"Uh we are sorry to inform but we have a very busy schedule and we've just been informed we are late for a very important meeting. We will come back at some point next week to do this again" Harry informed then they all rushed off stage.

Niall sat down not saying a word in fear he might throw up.

"You okay?" Liam whispered and stroked the younger lads hair.

Niall shook his head and cuddles into Liam.

"I feel awful." Niall whispered.

Harry and Louis walk over and join the hug.

"You're gonna be okay Niall. We're your friends and we'll help you." Harry said with a warm smile.

Niall smiled a little and nods.

"I'm lucky to have you guys." Niall whispered.

"we're more lucky to have you." Louis smiled.

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