Baby (Niam)

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(This is for changeniallsmind hope you enjoy)

Niall's PoV:

"Liam!" I shouted. He came over to me.

"Yes Niall? Don't need to shout. I can hear you fine."

"I can't find my new t-shirt."

"Okay. And?"

"Find it for me?" I said with puppy eyes. Liam smiled and kissed me.

"Alright. You go sit downstairs and I'll look for it." I giggled and smiled then rushed to the stairs.

Me and Liam have been married for 8 months. We found out I was a month pregnant on our wedding day surprisingly. Only because Liam decided to take me to the hospital after he found me throwing up two mornings in a row. It had been longer than that but I didn't want to worry him.

I went to take a step down the stairs but I misplaced my foot. I fell down but it wasn't a proper tumble. It was just a small fall.

"Ow." I teared up.

"Niall? Are you okay?" I heard Liam shout from upstairs.

"Liam come here." He ran down the stairs and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I think my water broke." I pointed to the obvious wet patch.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"Do you think the baby is okay?"

"Yeah. She will be. However, the hospital is like. Ages away."

"I know," I paused. "If I have to give birth here I am going to cry."

"I mean there's no other choice."

"What do I do? I didn't pay attention in any of those classes." I mumbled. Liam lifted my chin up and kissed me softly.

"You can do it. I'll call the midwife. Just go sit in the bathroom. It'll be easier to clean up in there after."

"You are not helping." I mumbled.

"Sorry. Do you want to go change into comfier stuff?"

"Can you change me?" I asked. Liam nodded and kissed my cheek.

"Liam are you still there?" I heard his mum say through the phone.

"Uh yeah. Kind of. Nialls gone into labour.."

"And are you taking him to the hospital?"

"Mum it's like a good three or four hour drive."

"Just call his midwife then. Don't be standing around." Liam mumbled a bye and hung up to call Mary, the midwife.

"Hi how are you?"

"Mary, Niall's gone into labour what do we do."

"Well, does he need to come to hospital?"

"It's like three or four hours away."

"Okay.. how does Niall feel about giving birth at home?" Liam looked at me. I shrugged and leaned against the bathroom wall.

"Just make it stop hurting. Please." Liam sat next to me and held my hand as he talked to Mary.

"Okay Niall what I need you to do is time your contractions."

"They're fucking close together." I bit my lip.

"I'll be right over. Liam just keep an eye on him. And if he does start to give birth then you call me straight away and I'll have to walk you through it." And with that Mary hung up.

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