Bully Story (Niam) Part 2

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Liam's PoV:

I rushed to find where Harry and Zayn were.

Then I heard something.

“You really think he'll notice you? You're just a nerd. Nobody more.” Luke spat.

“I think we should beat him up.” I heard Harry say with a happy sound.

“P-Please don't.” A familiar Irish voice could be heard.

Niall Horan.

“Too late.” Then I heard someone being thrown against a locker and the wall. Then I saw them all punching and kicking Niall. His glasses were halfway down the hall and Niall had a bloody nose.

“Hey leave him alone!” I screamed.

They all looked at me as if they are going to be arrested or murdered.

“Leave him alone. Otherwise I'll do more then what you did to him. And three times as harder.” I threatened. They nod and run off. I rushed over to Niall and grabbed his glasses.

I hand him them and he smiles.

“Thanks.” Luckily they weren't broken.

Then I realised it. I love him.

“Hey Niall are you free this weekend?” He nods.

“Would you mind coming to the hockey game then. You can bring a friend. I'll tell the ticket people you are a friend of mine.” He smiles and nods.

“Now let's get you cleaned up.” I helped him up and we head to the bathroom.

“Hold still.” I clean his nose and all the bruises.

“Luckily your nose isn't broke. You'll be painful for a couple of days so avoid touching your arms, legs and stomach as much as you can.” He nods.

“Why do you want to help me?”

“Because Niall. I've been taught to be nice to everyone.”

“But you're friends with the others.”

“Doesn't mean I'm like them. Now. Let's get some lunch.” He jumps up and rushes out of the door. I chuckle and follow him. We grab some food and sit down.

“So hockey game this weekend to watch Liam Payne and the other popular people play?” I heard Niall's friend Louis ask.

Niall nods.

“He said he'll say we are his friends if you wanna come. I'm already going.” I smile then face Louis.

“True. You can come if you want.”

“Sure I'll come.” We smile.

“Harry's gonna be there.” I whisper to him.

Louis blushed and hid his face into his hands.

Louis and Harry are dating and have been for at least a year now.

Only I know that.

“What about you two then?”


“Come on. Its obvious you two love each other.”

“No we're just friends.” I lie.

I do love Niall. I've only seen him for 4 hours but I know I love him.

“Whatever you say.”

Saturday night

I was so close to shooting and winning a goal but someone tried to trip me up.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” I yell.

“Sorry dude.” He sarcastically spoke. I threw my hockey stick down and spun the guy to face me.

Before I knew it my fist collided with his jaw.

“Liam stop!” But I didn't. I punched him another three times before I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

“Stop.” it was Niall.

“I-Okay.” I didn't try to argue so I let go of the guy and turned around. Niall's eyes twinkled in the night light from the stars and the moon.

I pull his chin up and kiss him. I cupped his cheeks with my hands and we both deepened the kiss.

I moved my arms to hang over his shoulder while his wrapped around my waist.

“I love you Nialler.”

“I love you too.” He whispered.

“Well will you be my boyfriend?” He nods.

I kiss him again and people cheer. We pull apart just as Harry walked over who was accompanied by Louis.

“Listen Niall I'm really sorry about Monday. Will you give me a second chance to try and be your friend?” Niall nods and hugs Harry.

“Well Louis knew we liked each other. I guess we owe you five pounds each now.” Niall and I say.

“Indeed. I'm gonna be rich!” Louis yelled and we all laughed.

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