Water Fight On Stage (Niam)

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3rd Person PoV:

Liam looked lovingly over to his boyfriend Niall.

They've been dating for 5 years now and both boys couldn't be happier.

"So at the moment this seems like a normal concert right?" Harry asked. The fans screamed a yes.

"Well it is a normal one. Or is it?" the crowd cheers.

"LIAM!" Niall screamed.

"Yes Nialler?" Niall stood head to toe covered in water. His clothed dripping of the clear liquid.


"You threw water at me!"

"Did I?" Niall smirked and grabbed a bucket of water and threw it at Liam causing him to be drenched from the water.

This didn't stop their.

The boys were throwing water bottles at each other.

"I'm sorry Niall." Liam apologised to his boyfriend.

Liam walked over to Niall and smiled.

"Niall I'm so happy to call you baby every day. There's two things I need to ask and tell you. But first off. We've been dating for 5 years Niall. I love every second with you. All the late night conversations and the early cuddles. It's something I could never change in my life. I'm so glad you've been with me especially for these last 7 and a half months. So Niall will you marry me?" Niall stood shocked.

He immediately nods, gets the ring onto his finger and kissed Liam.

"And baby?" Liam began again.

"Someone's going to be here in the next one and a half months. And they'll call you dada." Liam explained.

The fans stopped to listen.

"Wait you're having a baby Liam?" Niall began. Liam nods and Niall hugged him.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" Niall cheered through the microphone.

The fans cheered and screamed.

"The baby likes your singing as well." Liam whispered to Niall who smiled.

"Do they?" Liam nods with red cheeks.

"It's also a baby boy and a baby girl. We're having twins."

"Congratulations to the new family over there." Louis yelled.

"Let's go sit down love." Niall whispered as he pulled Liam to the stairs and they sat down. Soon Harry and Louis joined them.

The show was going according to plan. The three other males kept checking on Liam to see if he was comfortable and if he needed anything.

"Thank you Manchester!" Niall yelled.

They all waved and watched One Direction leave the stage.

Once the boys were in the hotel things got a bit out of control.

"Louis you slapped me!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"Help me Niall!" Harry screamed.

"Hey shut up you two. Liam's trying to get sleep."

"Ni?" There was a voice from behind Niall.

"Great. You woke him up."

"Yes Li?"

"Come and cuddle with me. The babies are painful." Liam explained as he held the baby bump. Niall nods and followed his fiancé to their room to cuddle up.

"Ni what do you want to pick for their names?"

"How about for our baby girl should be Olivia Gemma Payne. And our baby boy could be Theodore James Payne."

"That's perfect Ni." Liam whispered as he kissed Niall's soft lips.

"And I found this all out because of a water fight." Niall said with a giggle.

"And I proposed to you." Liam said reminding Niall.

"Yes babe. I remember. But for now. Let's just cuddle and get some sleep. If the babies let us that's if." They laugh and get as close to each other as possible.

"Night baby." Liam whispered.

"Night my beautiful. And my little children." Niall said with a chuckle as he placed a hand on Liam's baby bump.

"They say night as well." They chuckled then got comfortable before falling asleep.

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