Passing Part Two - (Nouis as friends)

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( - Here's Part Two! -)

Dinner had ran smoothly, the group of three were laughing, discussing how things were going. Louis felt complete again. He felt whole. Of course he knew it would disappear soon, but for as long as he was laughing alongside Niall and Maura, he knew he was okay. He felt okay.

"I best be off, it's getting late. Thank you for having me for dinner Niall. I enjoyed it." Louis smiled. He stood up, tucking his hands into his pockets. Niall shook his head.

"You're more than welcome to stay the night, I know it's a journey back to yours. Plus, I have spare rooms anyway. Unless you'd rather go home, I'm not going to make you stay." Niall stated. Louis smiled softly.

"Only if you're sure." Louis said. Niall nodded.

"Of course Louis, you're my best friend." Niall smiled. Louis chuckled a little, sitting back down.

"I feel honoured. Niall Horan's best friend." Louis laughed. Niall rolled his eyes.

"Better feel honoured Tomlinson." Niall chuckled. Maura smiled, she watched the two annoy one another. Reminding her of Niall and his brother. In fact, Louis was like an older brother for Niall. He cared for him, looked out for him. Louis was Niall's biggest fan as he had always been supportive of the younger lad.

"I'm gonna head up to bed, thanks for letting me stay the night." Louis smiled. Niall gave a nod. He watched as Louis walked up the stairs.

"You should invite him round more often Niall, he's a lovely lad. He seemed to enjoy today." Maura smiled. Niall nodded.

"Louis did seem to enjoy it." Niall smiled.

"Yeah.. Invite him to our family Sunday dinner. He's more than welcome to join us. It's the least I can do to help." Maura smiled.

"Oh mum, you don't need to." Niall said. She shook her head, helping Niall clear the table.

"Nonsense. I'll write my address for him, if he doesn't want to come. I understand. But I think it would be nice for him to be in that environment. Again, he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to." Maura responded. Niall nodded and watched as his mother scribbled something on a piece of paper.

"That's what I want you to give to him in the morning. Okay? Don't forget Niall."

"I won't mum, go careful okay? It's dark out."

"Don't worry, Greg's coming to take me back to my place. I don't want to make you worry."

"Oh mum, if I'd have known you didn't drive here I would've taken you home."

"Don't be silly, Greg was on his way home anyway. Listen, don't forget to invite Louis."

"I won't forget mum." Niall smiled. Maura pinched her son's cheek slightly.

"I love you Niall, I'm so proud of you. Of how kind you are."

"Thanks mum." Niall smiled softly.


Louis stared at the wall. A wave of dread hit him like a brick. A knock on the door threw him out of the spiral he was closely slipping into.

"Come in." Louis called. He sat up right as the door opened. Niall stepped in, a smile on his face.

"How are you doing?" He asked. Louis shrugged.

"Better, thank you." He smiled. Niall handed Louis a glass.

"I'm glad.. listen," Niall let out a gentle breath, sitting on the edge of the bed. "My mum wants to ask if you'd like to come round for Sunday dinner with us and the rest of the family." Louis was shocked.

"That sounds nice.." Louis smiled.

"Great, I'll give you mum's address." Niall smiled as he stood up. Louis nodded.

"Thank you Niall, really." Louis whispered.

"You're very welcome Louis." Niall replied, shutting the door as he left.


The time had come, Louis was going round for dinner. He and Niall had sparked their friendship once again. This time, a lot more secure. Louis knocked three times, taking a step back slightly. The door was thrown wide by Maura, who had a grin on her face.

"Louis! Welcome, come in! We've been waiting for you." She greeted. Louis smiled, kicking off his shoes and taking off his jacket. He put them away neatly before following her to the living room where everybody was sat.

"Hi." Louis smiled.

"Louis, you made it." Niall smiled. Louis nodded and wondered over to sit beside him.

"So, how's it like hanging out?" Bobby asked. Louis chuckled.

"Nice without anything else bothering." Niall said. Louis nodded in agreement. He felt peaceful, calm, loved in this household. They were so close together, Louis had immediately felt a massive part of the family.

"Louis, you alright?" Bobby asked. He nodded. Maura walked in, placing drinks in front of everyone.

"Thank you so much for inviting me over, really." He thanked.

"It's no problem whatsoever." Maura smiled. Louis nodded, taking a sip of tea.

The living room was full of laughter and smiles and the one thing Louis was grateful for, a close bond.

"Dinner is ready." Maura smiled. Louis gratefully accepted a plate, smiling as they all began to eat.


"Louis, you're welcome round any time." Maura smiled. She pulled him in for a hug; Louis was hugging tight.

"Thank you so much Maura, really. I enjoyed myself."

"I'm glad. Louis, we're always here for you, no matter what. No matter the time of day, you message us, come over. We'll always have our door open."

"Thank you." He smiled. Niall flung his arm over Louis' shoulder.

"You're like their son now. They really do care about you." Niall smiled. Louis wiped a stray tear, sniffling.

"I know.. it's just-I don't have any words." He sighed.

"It's okay, we're here for you Lou, every step of the way. All of us are here for you." Niall smiled.

"Thank you mate, really." Louis replied.

The pair walked towards their cars, waving to Maura a final time.

"See you next Sunday?" Niall asked.

"You bet." Louis grinned.


Their friendship was strong, but a family bond was stronger.

Even though they weren't related, Louis was taken under Maura's wing, since the passing of his mother, and was taken care of.

And now, Louis would always write Mothers day cards to Maura. Sending it with flowers for her. He grew close with Niall's family, as they all accepted Louis as their own. And from that point on, he knew he wasn't ever going to be alone.


Maura glanced at a small photo that was framed, poking from the top shelf on a tall cabinet. She took it down. She glanced at the photo. The five 1D boys stood, smiling, their families behind them. She saw Johannah and sighed, a sympathetic smile across her face.

"I'm watching over him Jo, don't worry. He's in safe hands." She whispered.

( - The End - )


A/N : Thank you for reading, sadly finishing on a touching moment at the end. Hope you've enjoyed it so far. Thanks for reading!

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