Misbehaving (Niam)

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(Hello I just want to say that from now on to show that oneshots are mature content I will be using this emoji: ⚠️)

This is for that_1_toad_frog

Niall's PoV:

I was sat on the bed in mine, Liam's and our six year old son James' shared house. I recently had knee surgery which I need to recover from. Liam is taking great care of me and I'm so lucky. However, recently James has been misbehaving.

"James!" Liam shouted. It was currently time for school.

"But papa! I want to play!" James shouted back. He came in and Liam shook his head.

"You have to go. Otherwise we'll get in trouble."

"But." James tried to protest. Liam sent him a look which made James frown and look at the floor.

"Have a good day." I smiled softly at our son. James just shrugged and walked out; ignoring me in the process. Liam and I shared a look and Liam left to drop James off.

A few hours later, Liam had to bring James home because he wasn't behaving at school.

"I'm not happy with you James."

"Good." He muttered. I heard them coming up the stairs so I paused the tv and sat up properly. James came running in and sat on the bed.

"Hey be careful of my knee darling."

"But daddy." He pouted.

"James my knee hurts so you jumping doesn't help." He pouted and sat in a strop.

"Daddy can you take me to the park?"

"No love. I'm sorry. Maybe papa can take you."

"No! Want you to."

"James. Don't be rude. Liam could you go grab me some orange juice please?" He nodded and left.

"James I do not know what has gotten into you. But that behaviour is unacceptable here. Your papa is your dad as well."

"Oh well." He shrugged. I took a deep breath and just looked away.


"Just go to your room James and think about your behaviour. And when you have I want you to come and apologise to Liam. Okay?" James never answered and just hopped off the bed and walked to his room. Liam came in and sat beside me.

"Thank you Li."

"You're welcome baby." I kissed his cheek and he smiled slightly.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. I'm sorry Li."

"You have nothing to apologise for Niall. I promise."

"I know but I feel bad. He's being rude to you. You are his dad as well. I don't understand why he's being like this."

"I know. But he'll come around soon. He's probably just missing you playing with him."


It's been a few hours and I went to grab my crutches to go to the bathroom but they weren't there.

"Liam!" I shouted. He probably put them somewhere. He came in quickly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes but I don't have my crutches. Did you put them away accidentally?"

"No. I haven't touched them."

"Can you get James here?" Liam nodded and went away. He came back a few seconds later with James.

"James. Where are my crutches?" I gave him a gentle smile. He shrugged.

"James. Did you take them?" He never answered.

"Can you go get them for me? Or papa will get them."

"Fine." James stomped off and came back. I sighed.

"James is everything okay? Do you want to talk about whatever is on your mind?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Are you sure?" He nodded and rushed out. I sighed and got up.

"How about we go to the park in a bit? It'll give James a bit of time to run around and use some of that energy." I nodded and went to the bathroom. Afterwards, we went to the park. But all James did was ask constantly for me to play football with him.

"James I can't love. See if papa will play."


"Because I said so James. Either papa plays with you or no football." I snapped a little. His behaviour is becoming a handful. He looked at Liam who nodded and they played football for a bit. I was sat on a bench and just watched them play for a bit.

"This is shit!" James shouted. I was shocked and Liam just stood there. He came out of the blue with it.

"I beg your pardon James?" James shrugged.

"This is so shit. I want you to play football." James spat. I could tell Liam wasn't happy.

"We're going home and James you are going to have a punishment for that. Understood?" I explained. He nodded and we went home. Liam helped me onto the couch and sat beside me. James was leaning against the wall.

"You are going to your uncles house."

"What? Why!"

"Because. Your behaviour is disgusting James. I do not find it very funny." I crossed my arms to try and show I was mad.

"Sorry.." He mumbled and looked at the ground.

"Go pack your bags. Papa will be dropping you off in an hour."


"Now." James groaned and stomped upstairs. I looked to Liam who was just looking at the floor.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"It's just. James doesn't like me does he?"

"Baby.. He does. You're his dad."

"He acts like I'm not."

"Liam. He's probably just overwhelmed. But it doesn't give him a reason to be making you feel upset."

"Mhm.." He just bit his nails and looked at the floor. I frowned and placed my hand on his knee.

"Liam. Our son loves you. I promise. And anyway, why don't you two go get ice cream together before you drop him off, yeah?"

"Okay.. I love you."

"I love you too." Liam took James out and came back after two hours.

"Hey." I smiled.

"He's gone now."

"Mhm. Only for a couple days. No misbehaving." Liam sat beside me in bed.

"Yeah. But, it feels weird without it."

"I know. But he'll be better behaved when he's back. And maybe I'll be able to do something with him. Not sports. But maybe painting or something."

"You? Painting?"

"Oh shut up Liam."


(Hope you enjoyed this one and I hope it's okay :))

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