Niall Gets Attacked By Paparazzi (Niam)

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3rd Person PoV:

Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn were in the Airport ready to leave.

But just as they were trying to walk about a huge group of Paparazzi and fans were crowding.

Liam knew exactly how much his boyfriend had a fear of crowds so he was going to try his hardest to protect him.

"Niall how is one direction!" Someone shouted.

"Are you guys going to write more albums?"

"You guys are fantastic."

So on and so on.

But three members of paparazzi physically dragged Niall to the ground because he didn't answer them.

"Hey get your hands off of him!" Liam yelled.

They didn't listen.

So Liam grabbed Niall and pulled him up.

Once Liam made sure Niall was in their taxi, He turned to the paparazzi and yelled at them.

That turned to a full blown argument.

Then that turned to a fight between Liam and one of the paparazzi.

"You fucking lay a finger on him again and I'll punch your fucking lights out. Got it?" everyone nods and rushed off.

Liam went and joined his boyfriend and the rest of the members of the band.

You can say that Liam has a place in his heart to defend Niall from everything he's afraid of.

A few days later in an interview, The lady asked about it.

"Liam is it true you beat a man up because he and many others dragged Niall to the floor?" Liam nods.

"I told them to stop and they plainly ignored me. So I took things into my own hands." The lady nods.

"Can I just add that Liam is the most sweetest man alive. He protects me, promised I'll be alright and I am. I love him so much. So if anyone has anything against him then I suggest you sort yourself out. He's completely different to what people think." Niall explains.

The lady nods and the interview carried on.

After that Liam was given a warning from Simon about his behaviour towards the Paparazzi.

Soon it was Niall's birthday.

Liam proposed to him and they found out Liam was pregnant.

They got married and had their twins a boy and a girl.

Boy: Bear James Payne
Girl: Olivia Mary Payne

Everyone was over the moon about it.

"We are One Direction and Goodnight!" They yelled.

They left the stage and both Niall and Liam saw their sleeping babies in the dressing room with their stylist.

"Thank you so much." Niall said.

"No problem dear. Anyway, have a good night. If you need anything for the twins just text me." Lou said.

The boys nod and watched as she left the room.

"Thank god we have a break for a week now." Niall said.

"Yeah. We need it." Liam said as he sat down on the sofa.

Just then Zayn, Harry and Louis walked in with huge smiles.

"We've got tickets to see Little Mix. Zayn wanted to."

"I did not!"

"Whatever. Anyway. Lou said she'll watch the twins." Louis informed.

Liam and Niall nod.

They were excited to go because they were good friends with the little mix girls.

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