Werewolf (Niam)

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Requested by Niam_Nerrie_Lover

Liam's PoV:

I was walking into a club with my pack Louis, Harry and Zayn. We have just been promoted at work and decided to come to a club to celebrate.

I could sense another werewolf was here and immediately I noticed the barman. The blond Irish lad was flirting with a bunch of guys.

He wore a black shirt that wasn't buttoned up on the top 4 buttons, black ripped skinny jeans and grey boots. He also wore black glasses and styled his hair sideways.

"What can I get ya?" His thick Irish accent echoed around my head for a while.

"I'll have you under me." Zayn flirted.

"Not my type. Anything other then asking me for sex?" I looked him up and down at least twice before Harry spoke.

"Four beers. And make it quick." Harry rushed.

"Demanding one you are!" The blond sarcastically replied.

"Name's Niall. You are?" He turned to me.

"Liam. Liam Payne." His jaw dropped.

"You're the alpha Liam Payne?" I nod and quickly hid my blush.

"Alright four beers on the house." Niall sang as he went to pour them.

"Whos getting the omega then?" Harry asked.

"You certainly aren't Hazz. You're dating me." Louis whined.

"I know love. But out of these two jerks." He laughed.

"I am. It'll work." Zayn said.

"We'll see about that."

"Here ya go. Four beers. Anything else I can get ya'll?"

"Hey you and me back room in 10." Zayn attempted again with a wink. Niall laughed and shook his head.

"Sorry luv I don't take orders from anybody." He announced.

"You are just a stupid omega." Zayn spat.

"Excuse me?" He sounded fierce now.

"I said you are just a stupid omega." Zayn shouted a little louder.

"Whatever. I have customers who want to speak to me." He shouted then walked over to the same group of guys.

That's when my Jealousy kicked in.

"Alright that's it." I muttered under my breath.

"So sexy tell me all about you?" I flirted.

"Well let's see. I'm 24. I'm originally from Mullingar, Ireland. I have an older brother named Greg. I am in university to study music. I work here to pay off my university fees and things. I don't have many friends. I'm an omega as you can tell. I am a very flirty guy. Don't take orders and gay. How about you then Liam?"

"I'm also 24. From Wolverhampton. I have two older sisters named Ruth and Nicola. I work full time as a business man. I'm an alpha. Also flirty and gay." I finish. He smiles and scribbled something on a piece of paper.

"Here's my number cutie. I'll be looking forward to texting you." He winked and walked off.

"Hey Nialler!" I yelled.


"Let's go on a date tomorrow." I ask. Leaving the question open for his decision.

"Sure. Pick me up from here at half 8 tomorrow evening." I nod and he walked off. I head back over to Harry, Louis and Zayn with a huge smile.


"He's mine. We're going on a date tomorrow evening." I mumble happily.

"Good on ya." Harry smiled. Louis patted my back and smiled.

"Don't go doing something you'll regret Liam." I roll my eyes.

"You better stay the fuck away from Niall you hear me?" I growled at Zayn. He has a bad habit of taking people's dates away.

"Yeah whatever." He sighed.

"Good. Otherwise I'll have to kill you." I whisper.

Oh and I forgot to mention. I'm very possessive and powerful so nobody dares to try and take what's mine.

I looked over to the bar and saw a guy trying to grab niall's arm.

"Stay away from me!" He shouted.

"Hey. Stay the fuck away from him." I shout. Everyone stopped to look what was happening. The guy left Niall and walked over.

"Or what?"

"This." I punched him in the jaw.

"Or this." I hit his nose hard enough to break it.

"Anymore?" I asked. He violently shook his head.

"Stay away from him. Or I'll do more then just punch." I spat. He nods and runs out the building.

"You okay?" He nods.

"Okay well I'll make sure nobody touches you. If they do they won't live to see the next minute." He giggled and nods.

"Everyone get back to what you were doing or else!" I growled. Causing everyone to start talking about things.

I look over to Niall and smiled.

This was gonna be a great life if he said yes.

On the Date:

I walked hand in hand with Niall through a forest. We just had dinner and now we were going for a nice and gentle walk.

"You know Liam. I really want to be more then just friends with you." Niall began softly.

"Me two Nialler." I whisper. We stopped and stood in front of each other.

Out faces inches apart. It was perfect.

The moon was shining brightly in the background, the grass was quietly humming an innocent chant and the trees were howling quietly.

"I-I love you Liam."

"I love you two." I leaned in, connecting our lips.

"Niall will you be my boyfriend?" He nods and kissed me.

And that is what you could call a perfect date.

A/N: Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed this oneshot. Honestly it was amazing to write.

Remember to vote and request an idea.

Thanks for reading :)

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