Accidentally Out (Niam & Larry)

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"Niall and Harry, you both have an interview later. No mentioning of your boyfriends. Okay?" Simon ordered. Harry and Niall nodded and pouted. They wanted the world to know they were taken, gay and happy. They walked out the room and the three other boys were waiting for them.

"Niall. Are you alright?" Louis asked. Niall nodded.

"Just tired. I think I'm gonna go and take a nap.." Liam could tell straight away it was a lie. Everyone nodded and Niall walked off.

"He's not acting right.. Harry did Simon say anything?" Liam asked.

"He only said not to mention we're gay. That you two are together as well as me and Lou. But apart from that. No.."

"I'll speak to him. Thanks Hazz." Liam smiled and followed Niall.


"Piss off." A sniffle came from the couch under a blanket.

"Baby please."

"He won't let me come out Li. I-I want to. I want everybody to know. I want a fucking normal life." Niall never swears at Liam unless he's angry and upset. And this was clear evidence he was.

"Baby boy. I know you're upset. I know you're mad. Can you come here? I hate to see you so sad." Niall got up and sniffled. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. His hair a mess, as if it wasn't just styled.

"Oh my poor baby." Liam pouted and pulled the boy into a hug. Niall sobbed into his chest.

"Niall interview now." A voice yelled from down the hall.

"Please Li. I-I don't want to."

"It's okay, it's okay." Liam rubbed his back and walked him down to the others.

"Bye guys."

"Bye you two." Harry and Niall left for the interview and weren't in the best moods.

"If they ask about relationships Niall. You need to say a girl or nobody." Harry sighed. Niall nodded but ignored the advice.

"Good afternoon you two! How are you both?" The lady asked.

"Great.." Niall lied. She smiled and sat down with them. They began their usual questions. What's the album like? When will it be out? But then the question about relationships came up.

"So boys. Is there any special ladies?"

"I'm gay." Niall blurted out. Harry quickly looked at him.

"Oh who's the lucky guy?"

"I'm seeing Liam. Very, very lovely guy. He cares a lot about me." Niall smiled at the memories of him and Liam for the past four, nearly five years.

"Any special moments you want to share?" The lady asked.

"Well last night he took me to dinner. The first time this month we had any free time. And I won't be saying what else happened but I think you can figure it out."

"They were so loud." Harry laughed. Niall's face went a shade of red from embarrassment.

"You can't say much Mr soon-to-be Tomlinson." Niall smirked. Harry pulled a shocked face.

"Well thank you boys for your lovely time for this interview." The lady smiled.

"Thank you very much Linda for having us." Niall beamed. The interview finished and Simon stormed in. Angry.

"How dare you! How dare you come out! You signed the contract." Simon screamed. Niall absolutely freaked out. He hid behind Harry.

"Don't worry Niall. Linda is gonna sort him out." He whispered. Linda walked over to Simon.

"You dare come into my studio and scream at them I will sort you out. Nobody. And I mean nobody, comes into my studio and screams at them. Who cares if they're gay? They're happy. If you can't accept that then leave." Linda shouted at him. Simon took a step back. Angry. Embarrassed. How could anybody talk to him like that. He looked over to the boys and saw them shaking.

"Fine." And with that Simon stormed out.

"I'm so sorry boys. If anybody says anything to you. You have my number." Linda says. They nodded and hugged her.

"Thank you." Niall said. Harry smiled and they said goodbye and headed back. The second they stepped in, Liam hugged Niall


"I love you so fucking much." Liam whispered.

"I love you even more."

"Lou?" Harry said.

"I saw the interview. I'm glad we're out now." Louis smiled.

"Let's go out babe." Niall looked at Liam.


"Yeah. Everybody knows now. We're out. We get to be out. I wanna show everybody you're mine." Niall had his arms over Liam's shoulders while his arms were around Niall's waist.

"Okay then baby. We'll go out. And I'm surprised you can walk from last night." Liam whispered the last part.

"Guys come on! We're still here." Louis shouted. Niall buried his head into Liam's neck and Liam just laughed.

"We'll see you guys later. We're gonna be out for a bit."

"We know." Zayn laughed.


"Yes baby?"

"Wanna go out? For dinner?"



"Of course baby. Dinner at mine."

"Sounds great." Harry smiled.

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