Gender Reveal (Larry + side of Niam)

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Louis' PoV:

I was sat curled up on the couch watching Lilo and Stitch with Harry. He is around five months pregnant with our baby. We found out he's having a girl.

"Hazz can we tell the fans about the gender? They know we're having a baby." I said. He looked at me with a shy look.

"W-We can.. Will they say things?" He whispered. I shook my head and took his hands into mine.

"They won't baby I promise. My fans love you." I reassured him. He sighed and nodded.

"O-Okay. Let's do it." Harry said with a small smile. A few days passed and they were currently in their living room throwing a gender reveal party with friends and family.

"Liam when are we going to have a baby?" Maya asked. I could see Niall sat upset on the stairs and Liam also upset on the couch next to Maya.

"W-We aren't." Liam mumbled. I could see Maya about to explode.

"Niall! Liam! Come here and have a photo with me and Harry." I rushed. They got up and rushed over to me and Harry.

"Niall stand next to Liam. Liam have your arm around Niall's waist." The photographer carried on telling us how to pose. My arm around Harry's shoulder with my other hand on Harry's belly. Harry's head on my shoulder and his hands on his belly as well. Liam with his arms around Niall's waist. Niall resting his head on Liam's shoulder.

"Perfect!" The photographer yelled. Liam and Niall looked as if they didn't want to move. They looked as if they were almost made for one another.

"Niall, Liam. I think you need to discuss your situation." Harry said with a smile. Me and Harry just watched as Maya stormed out saying she cheated on Liam and then Liam confessed his love to Niall.

After the new couple arrived me and Harry stood at the front about the announce the gender. Harry's sister Gemma was  recording it on an Instagram story.

"Three. Two. One!" Me and Harry shouted. We had balloons and popped them. Pink tissue paper, glitter and ribbon went everywhere. Everyone screamed and clapped, congratulating us on our daughter.

After Harry has the baby a few months later:

"This is perfect." Harry whispered as we looked at the pastel pink room with our daughter Paisley Amelia Tomlinson.

"She is." I whispered. We just stood there, Paisley asleep in her crib then me and Harry stood at the door looking at her happily. Our daughter was perfect.

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