Chapter 16

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Parker's POV

My eyes flutter open at the sound of pans clanking downstairs in the kitchen. I lift my head up groggily and yawn, stretching my arms out. Last night did not end how I wanted it to. My hand slips under my pillow and I remove it. A dollar is left from the tooth fairy (aka probably Louis) and also a little note. I'm already smiling from the child hood memory.

-Dear Parker (Parks?),
You lost a tooth, so cute ;) just kidding, please don't hurt me when you come downstairs lol. But I'm glad I got to do a "fatherly" thing for you. I hope you learn to trust us like real parents. I'm sorry the past hurt you, and I'm sorry I couldn't save you. But your in my arms now, and I love you.
-With love,
The Tooth Fairy

A tear rolls down my cheek at Louis's sweet letter. Dang it, but oh well. He's amazing and I want him to know I'll try. I feel like that letter could fit into a song. Maybe I'll write one and show it to Louis. Then maybe he'll catch the sign that I'm trying to trust and love him without me saying it out loud.

I jump out of my bed and scurry over to my black, wooden desk. I snatch a piece of paper and a pencil from my drawer and start to write.

After an hour, I throw down my pencil and stare at the messy a paper. Tons of eraser marks were on it and scratches covered at least 1/3 of the words. It's 11:30. Should I throw on my clothes? Nah.

I bolt out of my room and down the carpeted stairs, almost tripping over my feet. I spin around the railing and into the living room, scaring Liam to death. He grips his chest with his hands, calming his breathing.

"Gosh, you scared the crap out of me, Parker."

"Sorry." I mumble, jumping onto the couch where Louis is currently sitting. He looks surprised to see me voluntarily sitting on the same piece of furniture as him, and I hold out the folded paper to him. He raises an eyebrow, staring at me suspiciously, and he unfolds the notebook paper. His eyes scan the words carefully, and he look up with a bright smile, his blue eyes glowing.

"Parker, did you write this song?"

"Yes, I wrote it for the tooth fairy." I respond with a smile.

"Well, I bet the tooth fairy will love this." He says, smiling. "You want to sing it?"

"No, no, no, I already told you I can't sink." I state, my eyes wide. "But I can make the beat and you can sing."

"Uh..." Louis looks slightly nervous. "I guess."

I start to beatbox and Louis looks shocked. I grin as I continue, the other boys gathering around.

"You didn't tell us you could do that!" Liam exclaims with a wide grin.

Louis tells him to be quiet and he starts to sing.

"Your mouth is a revolver,
Firing bullets in the sky.

Your love is like a soldier,
Loyal till you die.

And I've been looking at the stars
For a long, long time.
I've been putting out fires
All my life.
Everybody wants a flame.
They don't want to get burnt.
And today is our turn."

He sings the rest of the song, and when he's finished, he looks up at me with tears in his eyes. He throws his arms around me in a hug and I cringe, squeezing my eyes closed and taking in quiet, yet fast breaths. It's just a hug, no harm done, I tell myself.

He pulls back and I let out a huge breath of relief. "That song is beautiful. Thank you."

"No problem." I sigh with a small smile, brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes. That reminds me; where's my beanie?

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