Chapter 5

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Zayn's POV

I walk up the stairs to the top floor where all of the lads' rooms are. Niall told us that Parker said she wanted to stay upstairs to unpack because she was an organization freak. We all believed it and doubted it at the same time, but let it slide; it's a lot to take in, being adopted.

Parker's door is closed when I walk up to it, and I hear no sound on the other side, so I knock. I still get no reply, so I open the door slowly. I'm greeted to see Parker sleeping on the floor, a journal clumsily laying on her knee. I smile at how at peace she looks, all creases gone from her face. I pull Niall's digital camera from my jeans pocket and take a picture of her sleeping away; how cute. I lean down to shake her shoulder, and right when my fingertips touch her fair skin, her body flinches away without her eyes even open, quickly getting to her feet.

Parker rubs her eyes with her hands, clearing the grogginess of sleep from her vision and finally seems to notice she's standing up. She realizes I'm standing there, and she lets out a relived sigh.

"Sorry, I--" Parker shakes her head, as if to clear away any thoughts. "Reflexes."

"Yeah." I chuckle. "Next time, try not to give me a heart attack."

Parker grins sheepishly and rubs her bare arms in discomfort. I spot pencil shadings on her journal and smile.

"You draw?" I ask her.
Parker nods. "I guess. More like...well yeah, drawing, I guess."

I laugh at her awkwardness. "Maybe you could show me some time? I'm a big art-fanatic too."

Parker nods again, and then stuffs her journal into her duffle bag. I clear my throat. "Well, dinner's ready...shall we?"

Parker walks past me and out of the room, and starts to walk down the hall. I catch up next to her and stroll down the stairs with her. It feels so weird, having a daughter. She's more like a sister for me, but she's still like a... half-sister, I guess. I have this need to find out about her and tell her she's special and to just hug her. But considering her quick reactions to physical contact, I think I should just stick to the getting-to-know-her part.

We arrive in the living room and I lead her into the kitchen. The smell of pasta drifts through the air and my mouth starts to water; man, adopting a daughter makes you hungry.

"Hey, Parker." The lads greet, sitting at the table except for Harry; he's stirring the spaghetti at the stove.

Parker waves slightly and warily sits in a seat at the end of the table, looking down at her lap. I sit at the other end, considering Niall happens to be next to Parker. Louis is across from her and then Liam is next to him. I sit next to Niall and we leave the end seat next to Liam open for Harry.

Harry slides the bowl of spaghetti in the center of the table and Niall immediately grabs the big spoon and scoops some onto his plate. Parker waits until all of us have gotten some and then she cautiously scoops a small amount onto her plate.

"You can have more." I inquire, peering around Niall eating his food.

Parker mumbles an "I know" underneath her breath and sighs, picking up her fork. We all eat in silence for a while, not knowing what to say when you have a new person at the table. Louis clears his throat and starts to speak. I knew he wouldn't be able to stay quiet for long.

"So Parker, what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"Um...anything is fine." Parker smiles shortly. "Or nothing is fine too, if that's easier for you guys."

Harry chuckles and looks Parker in the eyes-- piercingly, like almost scary. Parker squares her shoulders, surprisingly enjoying the state of being confronted.

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