Chapter 23

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Parker's POV

The past week has been absolutely amazing. We've gone out to movies almost every single day, gone out to eat four times, gone shopping for school supplies (wasn't the fun part), and have done absolutely nothing. Liam helped me set up Instagram and Twitter, and I have a lot of followers. But I made my account private, so I could determine who followed me.

"I will have your soul," a voice whispers into my ear, making me jump and my head knock into the headboard of my bed.

"Ow." I groan, closing my eyes and letting my head fall back onto my pillow. "Who dares awake me?"

"Parker, I am your father." the voice says lowly.

I roll my eyes internally and sigh. "Lou?"







"Gosh, who does it sound like?" he says in exasperation.

I smirk. "Um... are you sure you're not Louis?"

"I'm Niall." he sighs. "And you've officially hurt my feelings."

I giggle and open one eye, looking up at his blue eyes and styled blonde hair. "Oh. 'Ello, Niall."

"Hi," he says, glaring at me playfully. "Its time to get up."

"Why? School isn't until tomorrow. Let me sleep in one more day-- my last day of freedom."

"Nope. We have a treat for you since its your last day before school." Niall smirks. He hits my bed with hands quickly before jogging out of my bedroom. "Grab a bathing suit and clothes you can get wet in!" he call back to me.

I sigh and roll out of bed, landing clumsily on my feet. My knee tweaks a little, but I shake it off and stumble over to my dresser. I pull out my only bathing suit, which happens to be a black Spider-Man one with a web that goes up the back. I throw off my pajamas and put on the bathing suit. It hangs loosely off my body, making me frown down at myself. I am determined to gain weight and muscle. No ribs will show.

I wonder what it feels like to want to lose weight. I bet it sucks just as much as wanting to gain weight-- constantly thinking about what people think about you, what you think about yourself. They probably think about food a lot, and how they can stop themselves from eating it. Where as thin people like me, need to think about food more. Life just throws so many things at us.

I throw a white t-shirt and black shorts on, slipping on my black flip-flops. I grab my phone and walk down the stairs, but am swept off my feet and over Harry's shoulder as he runs through the living room and to the kitchen table, sitting me down in my usual end chair.

He ruffles my hair and Louis jogs by me, pecking me on the forehead on his way into the kitchen and saying, "Morning, beautiful."

I smile and look down at my plate-- eggs and toast with a glass of milk and my pills on the side. "Why aren't you guys eating?" I ask, turning in my seat and resting my chin on the top of the chair.

"Because we already ate." Liam answers, packing a cooler on the kitchen counter.

"And we've got everything ready," Zayn says, putting his sunglasses on his head and slinging his back over his shoulder. "Now, stop stalling and start eating!"

I roll my eyes and turn back around in my seat. I take the pills and start to quickly eat my food. After five minutes, I finish my food, and I'm completely stuffed. I feel like I can barely move.

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