Chapter 12

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Liam's POV

We all hop into the car, our spirits lifted slightly. Parker had basically dragged herself across the parking lot, the sedation chemical really starting to get to her. She slides slowly into her normal spot behind the driver's seat, and I hop in next to her-- well, across from her. Louis drives and Harry calls shot gun. Niall and Zayn get in the row behind Parker and I. Louis pulls out of the parking lot and down the road to CVS.

"Parker, what does the fox say?" Niall questions from behind her.

We all give him the "what the frick are you talkin about?" look, but he just grins.

"Um..." Parker yawns, staring out the window. "Idonknow."

"Niall, it's sedation, not anesthesia." Zayn rolls his eyes next to him.

"It was worth a shot." Niall mutters, earning a smack in the arm from Zayn behind me. Louis pulls up to the CVS, and I volunteer, "I'll go get it, anything else you guys need?"

"Nandos." Niall speaks up.

I turn and give him a confused glare. "CVS doesn't have Nandos, Niall."

"You know what? I'm sorry. I'm just gonna stop talking, you guys being so mean." Niall huffs turning to face his back window.

We all chuckle at Niall's drama and I hop out of the car, walking through the sliding doors of the pharmacy. I walk down one of the aisles all the way to the back to the prescription counter. A fairly old man is working behind it, looking at papers.

"Um, hi. I'm here to pick up a prescription for Parker Tomlinson?"

The man looks up at me and smiles kindly."Yes, I believe I just received an email for Tomlinson. I'll be right back."
The man turns away and walks into the back, leaving me at the counter. A magazine with the lads and I catches my eye and I bend down to pluck it off the rack. It shows Parker swinging her duffle bag into the trunk when we picked her up from the orphanage. That was only a little more than 24 hours ago; man, paparazzi works fast.

I look up as the man returns in his white lab coat, holding a orange bottle of pills in his hand. "Here you go, lad." the man hands me the pills as I set a few dollars/pounds on the counter. "Anorexia?"
"Yeah, we just found out that our adopted daughter has it." I sigh sadly.

"That's too bad." the man sympathizes. "Would you like some advice?"

"Yes, please." I smile slightly.

"Okay, well, because she has anorexia, she doesn't like to eat, right?"


"Well, what you need to do, is give her two pills when she eats breakfast, and then two when she eats dinner-- basically morning and night. She needs to eat in order for the medicine to do its job, so make sure she does. If she neglects it-- some kids do, sneak it into her drinks or something of the sort."

"Is this a whole life-long journey kind of thing?" I question, anxious to know.

"I-I...I believe...yes, it's a life-long thing. But there have been some cases when the medicine gets rid of the sickness for good."

"O-Oh. Okay." I sigh. "Thank you for your help."

"Anytime." the old man grins, shaking my hand.

I walk out of the store and rap my hand on the car window. Louis unlocks it with a click and I swing open the black truck door. "Set?" Louis asks me as I slide onto the seat.

"Yep." I nod my head, slamming the car door as Louis pulls out of the parking lot and we head home.

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