Chapter 6

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Parker's POV

Harry closes the door behind him, leaving me in the middle of his room. I sigh and unravel the t-shirt and boxers; the t-shirt is a black rolling stone tee. At least he has a good taste in music.

I pull my 'in music we trust' tank off and tug my ripped skinny jeans off, the black fabric clinging to my muscular legs I get from skateboarding and sports. I slip out of my underwear and fold it with my old shirt and jeans, placing them at the foot of the bed with my black boots. I slip on the black boxers and black shirt. They both are baggy on me, but that's fine; I like baggy clothes. I let out an exasperated sigh when I realize I don't have my duffle bag or rip-stick with me. Great.

I walk into his bathroom and am surprised to see that it's clean. Impressive. I brush my hair, setting my beanie on the counter and using an extra tooth brush from under the sink. I grab my beanie of the marble counter and walk out of the bathroom, switching off the light. I close the door behind me; ever since I was younger, I have been terrified that something-- or someone-- would come out of a dark doorway. Not gonna happen to me.

I fling my beanie onto my folded pile of dirty clothes and walk over to the light switch next to the door. I flick the light switch to 'off' and run to the bed, jumping from far away so the monster hands can't grab me from the dark space at the bottom of the bed. Yes, I'm still scared of monsters under my bed. In my defense, there's a song about it.

I snuggle under the covers and am about to close my eyes when the door creeks. My eyes go wide and I bury my face in the sheets. I peek over them and see the door crack open, revealing the dark hallway. Oh my frickin crap someone shoot me. The door swings open a litttle more, but then I here a giggle. What the heck is a monster doing giggling?

I sit up in the bed and quickly turn on the lamp next to the bed. It flicks on and reveals Louis standing in the doorway, covering his mouth with his hand as he chokes on his laugh. I jump out of the bed and charge at him. Louis shrieks and slams the door as I reach it, blocking me from getting to him.

"Good night, Parker!" Louis sings from the hallway.

I roll my eyes and walk back to the bed, flicking off the lamp light and crawling back under the covers. That's scared me so much; my heart is pounding.

I eye the door through the dark warily for about 5 minutes, then consider the fact that he finally went away. I bury my head in the pillow and smell the scent of Harry: mint That's when it hits me.

I snap up straight in the bed, my mind racing a hundred miles an hour. They are too nice. Why aren't they annoying, ruthless teenage boys like my brother was? Isn't that what normally happens to all guys: beaters and torturers? I'm not overreacting; what do you expect from a girl that used to read fictional books and was only exposed to her mad brother for two years?

The guys-- they're nice and all, really nice, but I need to carry out my plan before they put too much effort into me. I owe them enough to get rid of the trouble. I swing my legs out of the bed and step onto the plush carpet. I stagger through the dark room, tyring to find my way to the door. When my hand hits the wood, I use it as a guide to feel my way down the wall. I pick up my combat boots in between my fingers, and take a deep breath when I stand up straight in the dark. Here we go.

I twist the handle slowly and it cracks open, revealing a dark, empty hallway. I creep out, closing the door to Harry's bedroom behind me, and walk diagonally to the left to reach "my room" on the opposite side of the hall. I also twist the knob slowly here, and I pluck my rip-stick quickly from the inside, shutting the door quietly; too bad I can't escape with my journal and clothes. Speaking of clothes...I guess I'll just wear these boxers and t-shirt.

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