Chapter 36

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Louis's POV

I can't believe what I just did. She ran away from me, saying all the things I told her she wasn't. I can't...

A tear slips down my face and I wipe it away. I stare out the glass door, sitting on the bed.

It's been about an hour since Parker ran away, and after searching for 15 minutes, I was literally about to have a panic attack, so the lads told me to go to the room while they searched for her.

I can't believe I said those things. I love her so much and I've just been stressed and afraid, lately. I've been acting stern and very parental towards Parker, when I should be treating her like a loving father.

I've been afraid that Parker is going to realize she doesn't need me. She'll hang out with other people and maybe meet a boy and I'm just not ready to be second choice to her. And the fact that Liam and Zayn have their girlfriend/ fiancé's with them makes me upset and feel alone.

I just want to feel wanted. I want Parker to need me and the boys to need me and a girl to need me and I just... I don't know what to do with myself anymore.

The door clicks open and I spin around, my hopeful gaze falling when I see that it's just Liam.

"The others are still looking for her," he assures me, his light brown eyes soft.

He walks over to me and sits down on the bed next to me, folding his hands in his lap. He stares out the window with me, the silence making a tear slip from my eyes.

"What been wrong, Louis?" Liam finally asks, a sigh emitting from his lips. "You've been different this trip, and you haven't been the real Louis."

I try to find the words to say. "I just... I don't even know anymore." My voice cracks a little and I clear my throat. "I don't even know."

"Well, let's start with this," Liam suggests, his voice quiet. "Why have you been acting different towards Parker?"

"I'm afraid I'll lose her," I whisper, wiping nose as I sniffle.

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "What would make you think you'd lose her?"

I shake my head, pursing my lips as I stare down at my lap. "I don't know," I whisper, my voice barely there.

He pulls me into a hug and I choke on a sob. I'm a mess. "And I see you with Sophia, and Zayn with Perrie, and I just get so afraid that I'll be alone."

"Lou, you'll never be alone," Liam sighs, patting my back and pulling away. "You've got us, you've got your family, you've got your fans, and you've got Parker."

"I know, but even in the midst of a crowd, I still feel alone," I say, wiping my eyes.

"You're not," he assures me with a small smile. "How about you try and get some rest, and we'll find Parker, okay?"

"It's 7:30," I say, my eyes drying up.

"I know. But we've already eaten at the bar and grill, so get some rest," Liam says, grinning as he gets to his feet. "She'll be back by the time you wake up."

I sigh and nod, falling down onto my back. Liam walks out of the room and I close my eyes, turning over onto my side. She'll back, I tell myself, my breathing becoming heavy. She'll come back.

Parker's POV

For the past few hours, I've been crying and hiding in my little corner. Some people have given me wired looks and asked if I was okay, and of course, I had said yes. My stomach is growling since I didn't eat lunch, and I feel sticky because of the sea spray that I occasionally feel.

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