Chapter 35

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Liam's POV

"Niall, shut. Up!" Zayn exclaims in irritation from his bed, looking up from his phone.

Niall ignores him and continues to sing in the shower. I chuckle and set my phone down on the couch. I take the silence as an opportunity to observe. Louis is asleep on the bed, Harry on his phone next to him. Zayn is on his phone on his bed. Sophia and Perrie went shopping, and...

Parker. She's sitting in the corner where she had time-out a few days ago, drawing in her sketch book. She's been awfully quiet the past three days. And Louis has not been letting up on her at all-- by her side at all times, can't wander off on her own. He's being too protective, and I have no idea why.

Niall's voice rings loud and true, "Baby, you're a fiiiiirework--"

"That's it!" Zayn hollers, jumping to his feet. He runs to the bathroom door and yanks it open, a girly shriek emitting from behind the shower curtain. I stifle a laugh as I hear Niall panicking and Zayn stumbling around. The water shuts off and Zayn clambers out, his shirt and hair wet.

Niall stumbles out next with soap in his hair and a towel wrapped around him, glaring at Zayn.

"You attacked me while I was naked!" Niall exclaims bashfully.

"Nothing I haven't seen before," Zayn scoffs, falling into the bed. "Still not impressed."

I glance over at Parker and see her smiling down at her sketchbook, obviously humored by their argument.

"Niall, rinse the soap out of your hair and put on clothes. We're going to the pool," I tell him, getting to my feet.

"Fine," he huffs, glaring at Zayn before stomping into the bathroom.

"Parks, c'mon," I say, grabbing her attention.

She looks up with wide eyes, like she's surprised that I actually spoke to her. She gets to her feet and sets her sketchbook on the couch, laying it upside down to mark her spot. She disappears into the closet and I quickly strip from my shirt and shorts, slipping my swim-shorts over my boxers.

Niall walks out of the bathroom in his swim suit and a towel slung over his shoulder, his sunglasses covering his eyes. Classic tourist.

Parker walks out of the closet with a white bikini top and black bottoms, wearing a ratty white t-shirt with holes in it over her bathing suit. It actually look pretty cool, though not my style.

"I like your shirt," I say, making her smile bashfully. "Where'd you get it? I haven't seen it before."

"Ashton gave it to me," she mumbles, playing with her fingers. Figured.

"Cool. Harry, wake-up Louis," I request, hefting my backpack onto my back.

Harry sighs and smacks Louis on the back loudly, making him jerk up.

"What was that for?" he groans, hitting Harry back.

"Don't hit me," Harry whines, slapping Louis's arm. "Liam told me to wake you up."

"Well, words would of been nice," Louis sasses, getting to his feet. He walks into the closet and comes out with his bathing suit on.

"Sunglasses, everyone?" I ask, everyone nodding and slipping on their shades. "Mission: Normal guys, not One Direction is a go."

We all march out of the room, Parker staying in the back of our group. We go down the elevator a few floors and enter onto the pool deck. The heat hits us like a wave and the smell of pool water and ocean breeze fills my senses.

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