Chapter 28

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Louis's POV

The first thing that comes out of my mouth when I see Parker typing on my computer is, "How long have you been up?!"

Her eyes flicker to me frantically and she looks back at the computer, typing rapidly. "All night."

"Are you fu-- flipping insane?!" I exclaim, catching myself from cussing.

"Yes," she says, not looking up.

She's in her school uniform from yesterday and she looks exhausted. There's an energy drink next to her, toppled over and empty.

I walk up to her and take her face in my hands, so she has to look at me straight on. The bags under eyes are intense and her face is gaunt and pale, just like the rest of her body. I tired so hard to get her to eat and sleep, but she just wouldn't.

"You better go take a shower and put on your stickin' graduation dress before I strip you myself," I say lowly.

She gulps and runs away from me and up the stairs, leaving me at the counter. I glance at whatever she's typing and see the title: The Final Essay. How creative.

I start to cook breakfast, brushing my hair out of my eyes as I make scrambled eggs. I can't believe my baby is graduating the 8th grade! I know she's only been in it for, like, a month, but she completed everything she needed to. Except this essay. And she worked her butt off for it, staying up all night and barely eating. I wish it hadn't resorted to that, but now, the pain is over!

Zayn, Harry, Niall, and Liam stumble down the steps, adjusting their suits. We're all wearing black sports jackets, black jeans, and a plain t-shirt underneath with whatever shoes we want.

I'm wearing a black shirt, as is Harry, Niall is wearing white, Zayn is wearing gray, and Liam is wearing red. I think we look awesome.

I glance at the clock as everyone is eating and my eyes almost pop out of my skull.

"Parker! We're going to be late!" I shout, shoveling the rest of my food into my mouth.

She stumbles down the stairs, almost falling to the ground as she runs towards us with her shoes clutched in her hands. She skids to a stop next to us and Zayn tosses her the pills, and she catches them, stuffing them in her mouth and swallowing without water. Liam throws a protein bar at her and we all run out of the house to the car.

"Wait!" Parker exclaims, her eyes wide in panic as she stops putting on her seatbelt. "I need my essay."

"Can't you live without it?" Harry asks, falling over into the back seat.

"If I want to graduate today, I-- need-- that-- essay," Parker says, her face stern.

I let out a sigh of frustration and run back into the house. I snatch my laptop off the counter and sprint out the front door, ripping the computer from its charging chord. Jumping back into the driver's seat, I throw the laptop into Parker's lap, stepping on the gas and barreling down the road.

"Mate, we're on the edge." Liam warns me, sitting next to me.

"Got it." I huff. "Thanks for the observation."

"I knew we should've gotten up earlier," Zayn sighs.

"What if we don't make it?" Niall worries.

"We better make it," Parker mumbles, typing on the laptop rapidly.

"Louis, we're going to be late!" Harry exclaims, making me even more nervous and aggravated.

"Do you want me to crash this car, Harry? 'Cause I will crash this car," I say lowly, trying not to worry and go as fast as I can without getting a ticket.

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