Chapter 29

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Parker's POV

Niall jumps onto my lap as I sit on the couch and I gasp, my knee shooting tiny, painful sparks down my leg. He grins at me and I give him a small one back, gritting my teeth, so I don't squeal.

"Niall!" Harry exclaims, frowning and rushing to my aid. He pulls me out from under Niall and brings me into his chest, and I bite my lip as my knee shifts.

"Sorry." he pouts, his bottom lip poking out, but his eyes still smiling. "I'm just excited!"

"Why?" Liam asks, closing the front after Sophia just left, and walking back into the living room with us.

"Because Parker is going to be an MMA fighter!" he grins widely, standing up and walking into the kitchen. "I'll get free tickets and front row seats and get to meet famous, tough people!"

"If I don't collapse," I mumble, rubbing my knee.

"You alright?" Harry asks suspiciously. "Does your knee still hurt?"

"Nah, I just twisted it," I lie, shaking it out. I step on it and realize the pain is already fading.

He frowns, but decides to drop the topic, and we both wander into the kitchen along with everyone else. Liam is leaning against the counter opposite of the stove, and Niall is digging through the fridge. Louis is cooking waffles in the microwave, and Harry is leaning against the island next to the sink, which is where I am sitting between Harry and Louis.

"How is my star-crossed lover doing this morning?" Louis asks, grinning as he tosses me my pill bottle.

I frown at it and open it, taking out two pills and closing it back up. I turn around on the granite and bend down take a sip of water from the faucet, swallowing my pills right after. I sit up and see Louis looking at me expectantly.

"Fine," I sigh, starting to smile again. "I just can't wait to go to the MMA place! I haven't gotten to fight in forever."

"Now, are you sure you want to do this?" Harry asks, gazing at me worriedly. "You're not very good with people touching you, and people will be punching you. What if you start to not let us touch you anymore? What if--"

"Harry, it's a totally different thing," I assure him. "I'm going to be fine."

He sighs and nods, walking past me to the fridge. Louis takes the waffles out of the microwave and sets them on the counter next to me for everyone to take as they please. I snatch one before Niall can beat me to it, and I eat the whole thing, though it was the size of my hand.

After everyone has grabbed one, I grab another and stare off into space as I take one bite at a time. What if I hurt my knee even more? What if the guy immediately says I'm too weak? What if everyone laughs at me when I mess up? I mean, my leg muscle from a few years ago are still there, just not as much. But my arms are skinny and my stomach is skinny, and all my muscles aren't as strong because of not eating food.

"Hey." Zayn waves his hand in front of my face and I snap back to the present, continuing to chew my waffle. "Whatcha thinking about?" he asks, leaning against the counter me to me and crossing his ankles.

"Stuff," I say nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh! It's 11:15. We should get going," Niall informs us, standing up straight and walking towards the front door.

I ease myself off the counter and grab my water bottle and phone, following after him.

"See you after!" Harry exclaims, waving goodbye with Zayn and Liam.

I wave back, and Louis urges me out the door. I scramble into my regular seat and Niall takes the passenger seat, Louis driving, as usual. I'm kind of glad that Harry, Liam, and Zayn had to go to the recording studio today. The less people to see me humiliated or beat up, the better.

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