Chapter 9

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Zayn's POV

We walk down the mall, passing random shops. We walk past a skateboard shop, and I notice Parker staring at it longingly. I know her's got wrecked by the couple's car last night, but it was her fault for running away. Maybe for her birthday or for Christmas...

The we arrive at Urban Outfitters and we walk inside. Hunter hops on the escalator, skipping the whole first floor.
"What about all the clothes down here?" Niall questions, following after her as we all do the same.

"Too girly." Parker crinkles her nose in disgust.

The boys and I chuckle, and we step off the escalator once we reach the top. Parker spots something and walks towards it. It's a black sweater that says Can't Even in white letters. "Can I have this one?" Parker asks, holding the sleeve.

"Sweetheart, you're getting more than one shirt." Liam chuckles. "Of course you can have that one."

Parker blushes slightly at the fact that Liam called her sweetheart, but she just brushes her hair slightly in her face and tucks the sweater under her arm. Louis takes it from her and puts it in the cart he grabbed. "We'll need one of these."

Liam asks, "do you want us to get some stuff for you or--"

"It's alright." Parker interrupts. "I'm a pretty picky person when it comes to clothes."

"Okay." Liam sighs. "I'll just... look around then."

"Same." Niall grins, skipping off with Liam.

"I want to play with the cart." Louis grins childishly, racing it across the store and disappearing into an aisle. Oh goodness.

"Lets look at pants and stuff first since it's the most boring." I suggest.

Parker nods and Harry leads us to the kids' pants, and Parker walks to the teens jeans (lol that rhymed). Her eyes sweep over the tons of different colored jeans: normal, gray, black, and all the colors of the rainbow pretty much; they even had printed ones. Parker grabs a pair of black skinny jeans and turns back to us blankly.

"You need to get more than one pair." I chuckle.

"Oh. Right." Parker stammers, grabbing another pair of black skinny jeans, and them turning back to us again.

Harry rolls his eyes. "Okay, how about this. You need to pick at least 15 pairs of pants, and half of them can be jeans. The other half need to be...not jeans." Parker nods her head, her cheeks tinged pink, and she grabs another pair of black jeans, normal skinny jeans, gray skinny jeans, and white skinny jeans. She has two pairs left for jeans, so Harry picks out maroon skinny jeans and white-navy, tie-dye skinny jeans.

"Now pick some regular pants." Harry instructs. Parker gazes at all the pants and picks up two pairs of black sweat pants, and a pair of gray sweat pants as well. "Nothing else black." Harry groans.

Parker shoots him a death glare and grabs black and blue yoga pants, white and black yoga pants, and a pair of black basketball shorts. For the last pick, I pick up a random pair of sweat pants that are dark blue and half little paint pallets and paint brushes on them. Parker casts me a sheepish smile and takes them in her already overloaded arms.

"Where's Louis when you need him?" Harry chuckles to himself, causing Parker to crack a grin. "LOUIS!" Harry and I exclaim.

A very out of breath Louis comes speeding around the corner, his chest heaving and his hair blown in his face.

"I thought something happened, butt-heads." Louis frowns, making us laugh as Parker places the jeans, sweatpants, and yoga pants into the cart.

"Something did happen." Harry smirks. "Parker's arms were about to break."

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