Chapter 20

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Liam's POV

"Here ya' go." I hand Parker two of her pills, and she frowns for a second before masking it. "Then you can eat whatever you want and head on up to bed. Well, that's what I'm doing anyway."

"Okay. Thanks," she says, walking to the fridge and leaving me at the counter. As I sip my water, I watch her get a glass and fill it with water, taking a sip and popping the pills into her mouth and swallowing them. She sets her cup in the sink and walks over to me. She just stares at me deeply and I lower my glass from my mouth expectantly.

"I..." she trails off, seeming to try and find the right words. "Uh, good night, Liam." she mumbles, giving me a quick hug before running away.

I smile, seeing that that was the first time Parker had ever touched me.

I put my glass in the sink and walk into the living room, plopping down onto the couch with Niall and Harry. I rest my feet in Niall's lap and he glares at me before turning his attention back to the TV. Zayn is in the recliner to my right, where as Louis is on the floor, typing on his phone.

Louis frowns and looks up at us. "Turn to E! News. Fans are saying we're on it."

Harry grabs the remote off the small table next to him and switches the channel.

"-- It seems as if the world-famous boy band, One Direction, has really adopted a 14 year-old girl. Her name happens to be Parker Tomlinson, and she seems to be a little on the dark side. What is One Direction trying to do here? More publicity? Build the fanbase? Insinuate that the ending of the band is near? We'll be back after this commercial break."

We all sit in silence. I notice the frowns on everyone's faces and say, "They don't know the real reason. We needed to become more mature, and we have. By far. We can't let their lies get to our heads."

I hear footstep receding, and I look towards the stairs, but there's nothing there.

"But..." Louis bites his lip. "I love her. I really do. I love my daughter."

"We all love her." Zayn assures him.

"For sure." Harry agrees, Niall nodding his head.

Niall switches the channel back to Derby and Zayn sighs, getting to his feet. "I'm going to go on up. Night, lads."

"Night, Zayn." we call back to him as he disappears up the stairs.

"I'm crashin' too," Niall says, Harry and Louis also standing.

I roll my eyes. "Weaklings. I have to stay up all by myself?"

"It's 11:30, Liam. I'm tired." Niall whines, trudging up the stairs.

"Feel free to pull an all-nighter," Louis says, Harry walking slowly up the stairs, allowing Louis to shove him. "And while you're at it, go ahead and pre-make breakfast. Hashbrowns, please."

I roll my eyes and grin. "Whatever. I'll just go to bed too. You guys are no fun."

"I'm not when in tired." Harry snaps, walking into his room on the left. "No more voices!"

"Someone's grumpy." Niall mutters, stopping at his door at the very end next to Parker's closed door.

"Voices!" Harry exclaims angrily, making Niall's eyes go wide as he jumps into his room, making me laugh.

Harry pokes his head out of his room and smirks at me. "Tell Niall I'm sorry for scaring him that bad."

"Will do." I sigh, walking into my bedroom and closing the door. I jump onto my bed and pull out my phone, seeing that Sophia had called me. I smile and click on her name, bring my phone up to my ear.

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