Chapter 38

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Parker's POV

"If you only talk to Alex today, I will strangle you!" Harry teases me, shoving me out of the car.

"Do the teachers count?" I ask cheekily.

He rolls his eyes and rolls up the window, sticking his tongue out at me with a smirk before pulling out of the lot.

I let out a sigh and turn to face the highschool building. No stress this year.

Adjusting my polo and my back pack, I stroll into the school building where every one else is milling around, talking to their friends. The air is less judgmental, and I breathe it in whole-heartedly.

"Parker!" a voice exclaims, making me turn around.

Alex runs at me, her long, light brown hair flying out behind her. She flings her arms around me and I laugh, pulling away eventually.

"We saw each other last week," I chuckle, brushing a blonde streak out of my face.

"I know, but still," she sighs. "Did you get taller?"

I shrug. "Maybe a centimeter."

"And dang, you're muscles are on point. Nice butt," she giggles.

I roll my eyes. "I haven't fought in a while because of my knee. I'm all flab."

Alex scoffs, starting to walk down the hall with me. "No. Those boys will be checkin' you out this year."

I roll my eyes and nudge her with my shoulder. "Nah. My parents wouldn't like that too much anyway."

"You're too nice for your own good," she sighs.

"So untrue," I say. "I'm the meanest person ever, and am going to punch you in the face for being so mean."

She giggles and walks into her Math class. "Bye!" she calls to me as I continue down the hall.

I wave to her, not looking back at her. I scan the walls for a sign and spot Mr. Brunner's class-- Latin. I walk inside and take a seat in the back, the quiet side of me taking over.

Mr. Brunner walks in and the class silences. "Good morning, students! It's a brand new school year, and you're all finally highschoolers. I will be expecting a lot from this class. No cutting corners. You're no longer in middle school. Now, open your books to page 34. We will be reading the first two chapter this week, and I will pass out your assignments at the end of class..."

- - -

"I already hate school," Alex groans, setting her tray on the lunch table.

I grin and sit down next to her. "It's a walk in the park to me."

She rolls her eyes while taking a bite of her salad. "Maybe since you completed the 8th grade in a month, smartypants." She looks down at my pizza and pouts. "You're just like your parents. All five of them."

I giggle and take another bite of my pizza. "When I was first adopted, the first two days, we only ate pizza. It's grown on me."

Alex clears her throat and looks down at her lap. I frown in confusion and look, seeing nothing but people walking around and eating like before.

"Black hair, 10 o'clock," she whispers.

I look up and see a girl with curly, black hair talking to another girl with blonde hair several yards away.

I turn to Alex with a curious look. "What about her?"

Alex rolls her eyes. "She's only been my arch-nemesis since 4th grade."

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