Chapter 30

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Parker's POV

"You've got to stop doing that!" Zayn exclaims, giving me scared eyes.

I just close mine and bend down again, touching my forehead to my knee.

"Louis! Parker won't stop doing splits!" Zayn shouts from the couch.

"Would you rather her kick you?" he calls back from the kitchen.

Zayn sighs and pulls out his phone, trying not to look at me.

I sit back up and bring both my legs in front of me, touching my toes. It's been a month since I've been training at the MMA Academy. I've gained 15 pounds, eating three meals a day whether I'm full or not. My stomach is still thin, but not as bad as it was before. But my legs and my arms are what's noticeable-- muscles of steel, I tell you. I've also grown two inches, and am still growing. I'm constantly cramping, but it all comes with a good reward.

"Parks, time to go," Louis says, grabbing the car keys off the counter.

"Dad, where's my phone?" I ask, jumping to my feet and brushing off my elastic shorts. None of the guys approve of them, since they're really short, but Ken and Taylor suggested them for me to help me fight.

"Same place where you left it," Louis says, walking towards the front door.

I scramble for my water bottle and my phone and earbuds, and I race out of the house, waving to Harry as I almost plow him over.

I jump into the car and frown as my knee pulses against my skin. Louis starts the truck and drives off as I pull the ace wrap out of my bag. I wrap it around my knee tightly and sigh, leaning back against the seat.

"So, Parker," Louis says, glancing over at me and shaking his light brown hair out of his face. He has a little stubble on his jaw and chin. "The lads and I set up a trip at the end of the summer. We invited Sophia and Perrie too, and I just wanted to ask of that was alright?"

I can't tell him it's not. I'll just sound selfish. I look down at my wrist and brush my finger over my two and a half scars.

"It's alright. You already invited them."

"But we can disinvite them if you'd like. I don't want you to feel like you're being left out."

"It's not all about me. They're nice. Its all good."

He sighs and takes my hand in his, resting them on the console between us. "Okay. But just remember, you'll always be the only girl in my life."

I smile at him and look out the window, watching the trees and signs slowly approach and then whip by.

We arrive at the academy and I unbuckle my seatbelt, gathering my stuff into my hands.

"Have fun. Be careful," Louis says, patting my back as I hop out.

"Okay. Love you," I say, casting him a quick smile and jogging inside the air conditioned building.

"Parker! Warm-up!" Ken calls, walking into his office without another word.

I sigh and put my stuff in my old locker that's near the entrance. I slam it closed and jog over to the treadmill. I turn it on and start my warm up, similar to the workout I did my first day. I run for two minutes, shuffle on each side-- one minute each, karaoke on each side-- one minute each, back peddle for two minutes, and then run for two minutes-- a total of 10 minutes.

I take a sip of water when I'm done and wipe the sweat from my forehead. Destin walks in with his shaggy blonde hair, scattered on his head instead of styled up, and he sets his stuff in his locker.

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