Chapter 19

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Zayn's POV

We reach the soccer field and I hop out of the truck, waiting for everyone else to pile out. I'm not a huge fan of soccer, but it is a fun sport and a good way to stay in shape.

The sun is bright, and I slip my sunglasses out of my pocket and over my eyes. I glance over at Parker and she looks like she's going to shrivel like a raisin, or a vampire trying to find a dark cave while burning in the light. She is a little pale, but that's probably because she hasn't skateboarded in a week.

Louis kicks the soccer ball into the goal and Parker stares in amazement. He jog up to get it and comes back, setting the ball in front of her. She looks up at him uneasily and says, "Uh... I don't think I'm going to try yet."

"C'mon, we need to see what you can do." Louis informs her, gesturing to the ball at her feet.

"If it doesn't turn out the way you want, we'll help you. That's the whole reason we came out here- to teach you." Niall explains, giving her an encouraging smile.

"I'm not that great at soccer either." I assure her, earning a small grin from her.

Harry, Liam, and Niall jog towards the goal and get ready to get the ball if it doesn't make it in. Parker let's out a huge sigh and looks up from the ground at the goal and the boys surrounding it.

"You guys are making me even more nervous." she whines, all of us chuckling at her embarrassment.

"It's alright." Louis tells her, taking a few steps away to give her space. "The worse that could happen is that you don't make the goal. Pros miss goals all the time."

"What if I miss kicking the ball completely?" she asks.

"You're coordinated enough not to. " Louis reassures her. "Just kick the ball."

Parker lets out another breath and nods her head, facing the goal. Harry covers his eyes in the goal, grinning and making Parker giggle. She takes a few steps away from the ball, and then runs up to it, swinging her foot and kicking the soccer ball hard. It soars through the air, knocking Harry straight in the balls, making his knees buckle to the ground.

Parker gasps and puts her hand over her mouth, while the other lads and I laugh hysterically. Harry's hands are no longer covering his eyes, but the area that was kicked. He rolls onto his stomach slowly, letting out a pained groan that sounds like a whale and making us laugh even harder. Niall collapses on the ground, his contagious laugh making tears spring from my eyes. He still manages to pull his digital camera out of his pocket and take a picture of Harry before letting it drop to the ground so he can hold his stomach as he laughs. Liam grips the goal posts, so he won't fall like Niall, and Louis turns away slapping his legs and laughing loudly.

I glance over at Parker through my watery eyes and see that she lets out a short laugh every other second, her cheeks pink has she tries to suppress her giggles.

"I think she's got the hang of it." Harry groans, rolling onto his back. "She's good."

"Do you-" Niall staggers to his feet, chuckling a little as he tries to get his breath back. "Do you want some ice?"

"Yes, please." Harry mumbles, closing his eyes and laying still.

Niall grins and pats Parker on the back as he walks past us to the cooler. Parker sits down on the ground, smiling widely at Harry 20 yards away.

"That's a daughter of mine," Louis says, grinning hugely and ruffling Parker's hair as he walks back over to her. She smiles up at him and smacks his arm away. I'm glad she's not afraid of touching him anymore. I know she's still timid around us other lads, but she's showing improvement, and that's all that matters.

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