Chapter 27

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Parker's POV

It's been three weeks, and school is out next week. But that means that graduation is next week. And that also means that I have to finish all my work by then. And all the work that I've done already is showing in my physical appearance; if you focus on me closely, you'd be able to see that is has affected my mental and emotional stability as well.

The boys have been really worried about me. They haven't comprehended all the work that I have had to do. They didn't know what they had been signing me up for, when they had registered me for school.

The few pounds I had gained since being with them have vanished from my body, and a little more has been lost too. My ribs and hips stick out, and I'm still short in height, probably because I don't have the nutrients that I need. My skin is pale and my face is gaunt, and I have extreme bags under my eyes. It's hard for me to pay attention in class, and My C-'s have slipped down to D's. I'm barely making it by.

Alexandria and I have become close friends, and she's come over twice. The boys like her and are still completely stoked that I have a friend. But she's worried about me too. She sees me almost fall asleep in class, stumble when I'm running laps, and stare at my food at lunch with absolute disgust.

I don't tell the boys that I stay up all night, but I have been caught a couple times. They tell me to go to sleep, and I say that I will, but then I just keep on working.

During the weekends, I study and work even more. The boys beg for me to take a break, but I end up snapping at them to leave me alone. They end up calling the 5sos boys to come and watch me while they go to interviews and the recording studios. I wish they wouldn't invite the 5sos boys because it just makes doing homework even more torturous, knowing they're downstairs. They always seem upset when they leave because I didn't hangout with them, and my "parents" tell them that they shouldn't take it to heart because I do it to them too.

Life is so frustrating.

Now, I slip my school uniform on, changing out of my gym clothes.

"Parker, you're really scaring me," Alex sighs, brushing her light-brown hair out of her face and revealing her worried gray eyes.

"Don't worry about it, X." I assure her, casting a small grin and using her favorite nickname on her to soften her up. "There's only a weekend and three days left of school, and then all the stress will be gone. We can hangout during the summer."

"You're starving yourself! You can hardly walk in a straight line, much less run. Do you know how many times I've thrown an eraser at you to keep you awake in class? You're lucky you're a light sleeper."

I roll my eyes and gather my things. "A lot of times. And you can do that on Monday for me too, okay? See ya!"

I race out of the locker room, earnest to get home and start on my work. Maybe I'll be able to finish it all a day early if I stay up all night this weekend.

I spot the gray SUV, but all five boys are in it. I run over to them with my heavy bag pounding my back, stumbling over the curb as I weakly yank the door open to the front seat.

"Hey, love!" the boys exclaim with huge smiles as I sit down and buckle my seatbelt.

"Hey," I say, tapping my fingers on my thigh to keep myself going. "Why are all of you here?"

They all hold back smiles, and finally, Niall can't take it anymore.

"We're taking you to a MMA match!" he shouts from the very back, ginning hugely.

My face falls. "B-But I have a lot of homework to do! I don't have time! Thanks for the thought, but I just can't."

Zayn rolls his eyes, along with Harry. "You need a break. A week break, but you obviously don't have time for that." Zayn explains. "Just one night out to relieve the stress a little. And a good nights sleep, and tons of junk food."

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