Chapter 25

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Parker's POV

My alarm blares in my ear and I groan, slamming my hand down on my phone. I hear a thud, and I know it has fallen off the nightstand.

I sit up and notice my uniform laid out on my desk. Oh my gosh. Today is school. I'm going to die.

Someone knocks on my door and I lay back down, closing my eyes and acting like I'm still asleep. I hear the door open and the person sighs; I instantly know it's Louis.

I feel the bed dip down and he places his hand on my arm softly. He gently shakes me and I don't react.

"Parks, it's time to get up." he whispers. "You have school today."

I groan and roll over to put my back to him. He chuckles and shakes me again.

"Parker, I know you're awake."

"Do not." I mumble, my eyes still closed.

I can basically picture him rolling his eyes as his weight leaves the bed. But as soon as it's gone, it's there, but on me.

I shriek and swat him harshly on the arm as I sit up, glaring at him tiredly. He grins and quickly pecks me on the forehead, gazing at me with his blue eyes that are tinted green.

"Are you ready for the best day of your life?" Louis exclaims, making me have to suppress a smile.

"Yes, but I'm still waiting for it to come around. Maybe 2018 or something," I say, making him scoff and roll his eyes.

He pays my bed and gets to his feet, walking towards the door.

"You have 15 minutes!" he calls back to me as he walks down the stairs.

I sigh and roll out of my bed, landing clumsily on my feet and making my knee throb a little. I hate the small pain in my knee! I haven't told the guys, but it's bound to go away soon.

I throw off my pajamas and slip on the khaki skirt and red polo. I tuck in the shirt and immediately want to take them off. I would never wear these clothes in a million years. I slip on the knee socks and black flats, and resist the urge to kick the wall and feel like a spy disguised as a prep-school girl.

I run into the bathroom and brush my teeth, splashing my face with water. I brush my hair, so it is in it's naturally-straight form, the blonde streaks prominent against the brown. I refrain myself from putting my beanie on since I'm not aloud to wear hats and I sigh, staring at myself in the mirror.

Edge, what have you turned into, my brain says to me.

I nod my head in agreement. I have no idea.

I run out of the bathroom and throw on my black sweater, trying to wear black in some way. I don't button it; that's just weird to me, and I grab my phone before running downstairs.

The living room is dark, and only the kitchen lights are on. Louis is in the kitchen, so I try to grab my backpack without him seeing me.

"Aw, you look so adorable!" Louis squeals, making me blush and roll my eyes at him.

"Lou," I groan, hiding a smile.

"Okay, sorry, sorry. Good morning, princess." Louis corrects himself, grinning as I sit myself at the kitchen table. He sets a plate of eggs and toast in front of me with my pills and milk on the side. "How'd you sleep?"

I swallow my pills and answer, "Fine. Took a while for me to fall asleep, but other than that... yeah."

"Why did it take you a while to fall asleep?" he asks, peering at me with concern.

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