Chapter 32

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Louis's POV

"Love," I whisper, shaking Parker's shoulder. "It's time to get up."

She groggily opens her eyes and she looks confused and tired, making me smile softly in the dark.

"It's time to get up," I whisper.

"What time is it?" she asks, her hands over her eyes.

"5 o'clock. We have to get to the hospital."

She frowns and rolls back over. I sigh, knowing she wouldn't be up for it. I shake her shoulder again and she swats at my hand.

"Got it," she mutters. "I'll get ready."

"Okay," I say, leaving her room. I tromp down the stairs, brushing my hair out of my face. I walk into the kitchen, seeing Niall laying on the counter, sleeping. Harry is leaning against the doorframe to the foyer, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed, almost asleep. Liam and Zayn are sitting on the floor, leaning against the cabinets across from the stove.

I smirk and take a quick picture of all of them and post it on Twitter, saying "@louis_tomlinson: too early for us. Heading to Parker's surgery :( xx."

I grab cereal bars out of the cabinet and throw one at Niall, smacking him in the face and making him jerk up from his spot on the counter. I throw one at Harry his eyes snap open as he grapples for it. I toss them into Liam and Zayn's laps, and they peel their eyes open.

"Get up, lads. We're leaving as soon as Parker comes down the stairs," I say, tearing my cereal bar open and taking a bite.

"Should one of us help her down?" Harry asks, his voice raspy.

"I don't think she'd want us to," Liam says, eyeing is cereal bar like it's all its fault that he had to be awake at this hour.

"Can someone carry me?" a voice calls from the stairs.

"I stand corrected," Liam mutters, taking a bite of his bar.

Niall rolls off the counter and trudged through the living room and out of sight. I grab the car keys and usher the lads towards the door. Niall appears in the foyer with Parker cradled in his arms. She looks at the bar in my hand and frowns.

"The one time I'm hungry, and I can't have food," she mumbles.

"The doctors said you couldn't eat after midnight," I inform her.

"I know, I know. Complaining makes me feel better," she says, snuggling back into Niall's chest as he chuckles tiredly, walking out the front door.

I lock the door behind me and walk down the three stairs and down the driveway, sliding into the driver's seat. I'm making someone else drive later. Niall sets Parker in the seat behind me, and she leans against him as he buckles her seatbelt for her. He closes the door behind him and crawls over the seats, falling into the back with Zayn. Liam stares out the window into the dark blue sky, and Harry dozes off next to me.

When we arrive at the hospital, I hop out and open Parker's door. I catch her before she falls out and she wakes up, brushing her hair out of her face.

"We're here," I whisper.

Her expression turns sour and she carefully steps out of the truck. Since it's only been a few days since she tore it, she's just starting to be able to walk. We had to pay a lot more money to hurry and get the surgery over with. Normally, you have to wait two months or so.

I step back to allow her some room and I shut the car door behind her. She limps forward around the car and I start to walk. Halfway across the dark lot, I turn around to see her far behind. I sigh and run back to get her, sweeping her into my arms.

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