Chapter 22

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Parker's POV

"Dang! And you've never played?" Calum exclaims, looking over at me and dropping his control in his lap.

I grin and shake my head. I just scored a goal. "I'm just a natural at it."

He scoffs and rolls his eyes, making me giggle as the game resumes. The door bell rings and Luke gets up off the couch to go answer it-- probably the pizza.

There's on a few more seconds in the game and I quickly pass the ball to Ashton. He shouts and scores, the buzzer ending the game.

"WHOO!" Ashton exclaims, shooting to his feet with his hands raised in the air in victory. I stand up too and point at Calum and Michael as Ashton says, "In your frickin' faces!"

Calum and Michael jump to their feet, glaring at us.

"Are you challenging us?" Calum asks lowly, his eyes narrowed.

"To a battle?" Michael adds darkly.

Ashton sweeps me off my feet and over his shoulder, running past the guys and making me laugh hysterically. "Aahhh!" Ashton screams, running through the foyer and into the kitchen as Calum and Michael chase us.

Ashton drops me onto the couch and runs upstairs, leaving me to fend for myself. "Sorry, Parker!" he shouts from upstairs.

Calum and Michael walk up to me and smirk. I grab a pillow and smack them both on the head like whack-a-mole and run past them and into the kitchen as they shout, "ow!"

I laugh and hide behind Luke. Luke chuckles and says, "You boys leave the poor girl alone! She beat your bums at FIFA fair and square."

They roll their eyes and Ashton sneaks up behind them, jumping on them so they crumble to the ground. I gasp and put my hand over my mouth, stifling my giggles.

"Ashton, you bum!" Calum exclaims, trying to get him off of him.

"I can't feel my thumb!" Michael whines, making Luke and I laugh.

"Who wants pizza?" Luke asks, trying to grab their attention before another mini battle breaks out.

Michael shoots to his feet and Calum and Ashton start to sing while Michael dances towards us. "Michael wants another slice! Michael wants another slice! Michael wants another slice! Pizza! Pizza!"

They stop next to us and I let out a small giggle before masking it and leaning against the counter. Luke opens the pizza box, and hands immediately snatch pizza off the cardboard. I grab a slice when there's no possible chance of me getting clawed and take a bite. Oh my gosh, this tastes so good.

"So Parker-- what next?" Ashton asks, taking a bite of his pizza.

"Um..." I think aloud. "I'm completely satisfied."

Luke frowns. "But we didn't really do anything!"

"Yeah, but it was still fun. Especially that escape run we just had where I was involuntarily thrown over a 20 year-old's shoulder," I say simply, making Ashton grin, his dimples showing.

"Well, your dad-- wow, that sounds weird-- Louis, and the lads will be back in an hour. We have time to set up a prank." Ashton tells us, smirking.

I gasp and nod, smiling widely. "I'm bad at prank ideas. But I've always wanted to do one."

"Louis said you told him something about being attacked while they were gone," Michael says, starting to smirking deviously. "We should use that."

Luke snaps his finger. "We can use red paint and put bloody handprints on the carpet. Not the walls because then, we wouldn't be able to get it off."

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