Chapter 3

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Parker's POV

So I was just going upstairs to change (not really, I wasn't going to change and waste a clean shirt), and then this boy comes up and starts asking me questions. He said his name was Zayn-- which I thought was a cool name, but didn't say that out loud-- and he asked me a whole bunch of other questions. Now, he asked me if I wanted to be adopted. What?!

"A-Adopted?" I stutter, not sure if I had heard him correctly. Zayn bites his lip and nods. I can see the doubt in his eyes about my answer. Why is he nervous, I'm the one that's put on the spot. "I've... I've never really thought about it." I answer honestly. "I never thought there was another life than this, except before I was here."

"Is that a 'yes'?" He presses, leaning forward.

"I-I guess."

A grin breaks out on his face and he jumps up from my bed. "I'll be right back. Don't move." and he runs out of my room.
Okay then...

Liam's POV

I was asking this girl with blonde hair and a crop top and jeans about herself. I really didn't want to, but I didn't want her to feel left out. I let out a sigh of relief when Zayn comes running down the stairs, smiling; maybe he can take my place.

"Guys, come on up here." Zayn grins, gesturing us to follow him up the stairs. We all sigh and excuse ourselves, running up the stairs after Zayn. He stops outside the first door on the right.

"We have to adopt her." Zayn smiles, pointing to the door like it's the answer to all our problems.

"Who's 'her'?" Harry questions, his arms crossed.

"Parker." Zayn answers. "She loves music, she has a good sense of humor, very down-to-earth, likes sports, and rip-sticking--"

"That's what the skateboard thing was!" Louis exclaims, snapping his fingers.

Zayn gives him the 'seriously' look and continues. "She does seem a little nervous around me, but that's probably all people, and she's a tomboy and independent."

"Like a cat!" Harry points out.

Zayn frowns. "...I guess..."

"Lets all see what we think about her." I suggest, everybody nodding in agreement. I step forward and knock on the door, peeking inside. Parker turns her head to look at me from her bed across the vast, empty room. Her eyes sparkle with humor when Zayn peeks over my head.

"You can come in." Parker smiles.

Wow, aren't most girls in an orphanage supposed to be depressed? I step inside the room and Zayn, Harry, Niall, and Louis file in behind me. I take a deep breath and stroll over to her. I look around for a place to sit, but there is none.
I clear my throat. "So uh..can I sit on the bed with you?"

"There's a floor." Parker states. "I hear it's very comfortable."

I'm slightly baffled by her answer, but then she grins, chuckling lightly to herself.
"I'm kidding." Parker smiles, patting the bed with her hand. "You can sit here."

Louis and Harry chuckle at my sigh of relief as I sit down on the bed next to her. She eyes me carefully, her attitude going from happy to serious in a second. Did I do something wrong, like sit on the wrong spot on the bed?

"Zayn says you're pretty cool." I start, rubbing my hands to keep them warm; man, it's cold in here.

"Uh, I guess that's good to know." Parker glances at Zayn beside me; he gives her an encouraging smile. "Thanks."

"Well, would you like to be a new member of our family?" I question, peering deeply into her eyes.

"Family?" she frowns. "But you're all just a bunch of b-boys. No offense."

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