Chapter 8

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Liam's POV

It's funny that Parker doesn't now what a jumper is. I don't know why it's so funny, but I just can't help but grin when I think about.

"I call shotgun this time." Parker raises her hand, jumping in front of Niall to open the door and hop in the front seat.

"That's not fair!" Niall exclaims, stomping his foot from outside the car. Parker sticks her tongue out at him from behind the window and Niall gasps, clearly offended.
"Well, I never." he huffs, opening of the back door and hopping into the back seat.

I walk around the front of the SUV and jump into the driver's seat. Zayn and Harry slide into the back, and Niall and Louis crawl over them and into the 3rd row. I start the engine and drive out of the driveway and down the rode. The neighborhood houses along the sides look so peaceful and calm, where as our house is always chaotic with a group of 5 guys. But now we have a daughter, who I still haven't figured out yet.

I glance over at her, but she doesn't seem to notice as she drums her finger across her thigh and stares out the window at the passing houses.
Parker is sometimes happy and playful-- only about once or twice so far-- and then she's mysterious and quiet- sad even. She always wears a beanie to hide her face and she doesn't wear make up; she wears dark clothing. To me, it's like she doesn't want to be noticed at all, unlike most teenage girls. Yes, I have gotten all that in 24 hours.

"Li-Li, can you put on the music?" Harry requests from behind me.

Parker looks behind me at Harry, shocked. I don't think she expected Harry to have a brotherly side, since he has been almost nothing but serious since she met him. Harry smiles innocently at her, making her shake her head and look at me. Parker smirks and repeats Harry, "Li-Li?"

"I never approved of the name." I roll my eyes in defense.

"Uh huh." Parker continues to smirk, an amused glint in her hazel irises as she turns to look out the window again.

We arrive at the mall a few minutes later and I hop out, Parker doing the same. Us guys kind of walk around her in a circle and she frowns, shoving her hands in her pockets.
"Can you guys just...give me some space?"

I suddenly remember her claustrophobia and take a few steps to the side, the boys mimicking me. We flip up our hoods and put on our sunglasses. Parker grins slightly, thinking we don't see her silently making fun of us.

Entering the mall, I'm greeted with the laughter and voices of people, and the sight of tons of stores. "Alright... bedroom stuff first?" I suggest. "Then everything will be at the house after we finish clothes shopping."

"Sounds good." Parker nods her head, avoiding our gazes.

"But you have to stay with us." Harry frowns. "No running off."

Parker rolls her eyes. "Yes, Dad."

"I technically am your dad." Harry points out, raising an eyebrow.

"Brother." Parker corrects.

"Dad." Harry argues.

"Brother." Parker counters.

"Alright, brother it is." I shut them both up. "Now let's get this started, yeah?"

"...Yeah." they mumble.

I walk off to the left into the store, Rooms to Go.
"Just tell us if you see anything you like." I inform, turning back to look at her.

Parker nods and starts to gaze at everything, analyzing all that's in the store. Her hands are shoved into her gray jeans and her head is held high with a sense of confidence; man, this child is confusing; and she needs new jeans too.

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