Chapter 26

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Parker's POV

"Parker." a person shakes my shoulder, startling me awake.

I groan and lift my head off my arms, looking around confusedly. I fell asleep doing homework. I'm so hungry. Wait, how'd I wake up?

"Parker," Louis says, grabbing my attention as I turn to gaze at him theough foggy eyes. His eyes are full of concern. "Did you fall asleep doing homework?"

I nod and rub my eyes.

"What time did you fall asleep?" he asks.

"The last time I looked at my clock... 3:57 a.m.?" I say groggily, staggering to my feet. "What time is it?"

"7. Time to get ready for school," he says.

I groan and walk to my dresser, grabbing my new school uniform and throwing my old one off after Louis leaves the room. I brush my hair quickly and brush my teeth, splashing water on my face to wake myself up a little. I slip on a plaid skirt and a white polo, covering it with the black sweater. I slip on flats with socks that can't be seen, and shovel all my books into my backpack, swinging it over my shoulders. I grab my phone and stagger down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Here's your breakfast. Ear quick," Louis says.

I nod and take my pills, shoveling in the toast quickly and jumping to my feet.

"Let's go." I rush, running out of the house with Louis behind me in his pajamas.

I slide into the passenger seat and Louis hops in next to me, turning on the ignition. I take my history textbook out of my bag and start to read. I have to read most of the book and take several tests on it by the end of the year. The teacher isn't making me do the worksheets and stuff, but I can't believe I'm still in one piece, even though it's only my second day.

"Did you not finish?" Louis asks incredulously. "You had been doing homework last night for almost 12 hours!"

"A lot of homework." I mumble, trying to take all the information in. There's no way I'm going to be able to get A's and B's like I used to. I don't have time for perfection. I just need to race through it all and pass.

"I don't remember having that much homework, when I was in school," Louis says, pulling into the school parking lot.

I put my bag on my shoulders, my history textbook in my hands, and jump out of the truck, racing into the school with a quick goodbye to Louis, hoping he herd it.

I decide to skip king to my locker since it's all basically in my backpack, and I walk into my first class early.

I walk into math and sit down in the back seat. I put my history book in my bag and pull out my math textbook with the answer sheet. I do what I know, trying to finish what I wasn't able to finish last night.

By the time class starts, I've answered 42 out of 50 questions on the last worksheet. As everyone turns in their homework and gets seated, I turn in my seven worksheets to the teacher. She raises her eyebrows and says, "Parker, you know lots of these are unanswered--"

"I know," I say, sighing. "Its the best I could do."

I walk back to my seat defeatedly and sit down, starting on the next flow of worksheets. I'll never be able to finish this school year in a month.

- - -

"Hey, are you an AP student or something?" a girl asks as she walks up to me in the girls' locker room. She has long light-brown hair and pretty gray eyes, and a pixieish face; she's also short like me.

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