Chapter 39

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*2 years later*

Parker's POV

"Your parents will be here in 10 minutes," Destin informs me, peeking his head into my bedroom.

I sigh nervously and nod. "Okay. Thanks. See you for dinner?"

He grins his bright smile, his chocolatey brown eyes twinkling. "You bet. See ya'."

He closes the door and I turn to look at myself in the mirror. I'm 16 now, 17 in a few months, and I've been in the woman's' MMA circuit for eight months. I'm still pretty new, so everyone is lining up to fight 'Parker Tomlinson'. Some people call me 'the Tommo', but that's my dad's nickname, so it's a little weird for me.

Over the past couple years, I've grown another two inches-- 5'7-- and I've filled out completely. Full stomach, boobs, and butt haha. I have to admit, I'm fit as heck, but that's because I'm a fighter, and Ken is so strict on what I eat and how much I eat and all the exercise I do. My body-- it's basically all because of him; k normally forget to eat because my brain has become so alert and hyper-active because of the fighting.

When I got released to play sports when I tore my ACL two years ago, I tore my other one playing basketball in P.E. It stunk, and I couldn't fight again. Now, when I fight or do anything, I have to wear braces on each of my knees. I look like a cyborg.

I fix my hair into a ponytail and adjust my black jeans and red, flowy shirt. I play with my leather jacket and stare at my combat boots in the mirror. I still wear a lot of black, and I have to admit, I look scary awesome. But I dressed up to see my parents. I mean, I haven't seen them in a year because of their tour and my fights around the U.S. I want them to be proud of me and see that I can be on my own. I mean, I have Ken and Destin and my personal bodyguard, Jeff. That's enough people to keep me sane, right? Nope.

I hear a knock on the door and I gasp, running out of the hotel bedroom. I jog to the door and wrench open the door. All five boys stand there and I grin, flinging my arms around Louis. He stumbles back with my force and laughs, squeezing me tightly. I'm pretty much almost as tall as him.

"My baby," he whispers into my ear, swaying me back and forth as I bury my face in the crook of his neck.

"Share her with us!" Harry whines, making me giggle and pull away from Louis. I give Harry a huge hug, and he ruffles my hair like he used to. I give Zayn, Liam, and Niall and big hug to, overwhelmed with having them here.

"I can't believe you're all here!" I exclaim, stepping back into my hotel room. "Come on in."

They stagger inside with their bags trailing behind them, dropping them on the ground.

"Who do you stay with?" Niall asks, walking over to the wall-window that looks out over the city of Las Vegas.

"Destin," I say, pursing my lips and plopping down onto the leather couch near where Niall is standing. "My bodyguard, Jeff, and Ken share the one next door."

"You stay only with Destin?" Louis asks protectively, the gears turning in his head.

I roll my eyes. "Don't worry, Louis. I sleep in my own bed."

"Maybe so, but does he?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

I blush in embarrassment of the topic. "Yes, of course. We don't even look at each other."

"Louis, give the girl a break. You finally get to see her, so spend more time loving her than grilling her," Zayn sighs, staring out at the night skyline with Niall.

"I'm sorry," he sighs, sitting down next to be and pecking my forehead. "I just get worried."

"Have you finished your school work?" Liam asks, plopping down next to Louis.

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