Chapter 4

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Parker's POV

That was close. I could feel by chest closing up, being so close to the guys in a car, might I add. I felt bad for Niall; he probably thought it was his fault my claustrophobia had kicked in. Why do I always mess everything up?

Now, I was leaning as far away from the center of the car as possible. Zayn wouldn't take his eyes off me, making me uncomfortable, but he didn't seem to care. Liam and Louis would cast an occasional worried glance at me from the front, and I knew Harry and Niall were peeking from the back row like meerkats.

"I know you guys are looking at me." I frown, turning to look at Harry and Niall in the back seat. They duck down quickly, trying to avoid my eyes, and thinking I hadn't seen them. Wow.

I gaze outside my now-rolled-up window, and my heart sinks. We're driving past the skate park and I see Shades and his friends sitting on the cement around the bench; our bench. Not anymore, I guess.

Shades turns to look at the car as it passes by and I wave slightly. He displays a sad smile and waves back. Making a last minute decision, I roll down the window, yanking off my golden key necklace and flinging it out the window. I see Shades catch it out of the air, looking down at it, and then gazing up at me sorrowfully. Then the park is out of view; great, now my heart is cracked; not broken, but cracked.

Liam clears his throat. "So, I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves--"
"You haven't." I comment, suddenly feeling very upset.

"So I'm Liam." Liam informs, ignoring my rude comment; I need to chill and relax.

"I'm Zayn, but you already know that." he smiles, causing me to smile half-heartedly too.

"I'm Harry." Harry whispers, peeking over the edge of the seats like a creep. "And this is Niall." He points the pair of blue eyes peeking as well; they are so weird.

"I can see you guys." I burst their bubble, but they just duck back down; okay.

"And I'm Louis!" Louis grins from the driver's seat. "I'm the oldest, so technically, I'm your dad and they're like brothers."

Great. More brothers. Just what I needed. "My last name is..."

"Tomlinson." he grins in the rearview mirror.

"Parker Tomlinson." I mumble to myself, seeing how it sounds; not bad.

"Tell us about yourself." Liam suggests, leaning his elbow on his armrest.

"Um..." I hesitate; I'm really getting tired of getting asked to talk about myself. Can we talk about nothing? "I like music: playing it, listening to it. I like rip-sticking-- obviously-- sports, a little art... yeah."

"That's cool." Harry grins, putting his elbows on top of the seat in front of him. "What type of music do you like?"

"Almost everything, except for screamo. That's obnoxious. But a combination of rock/punk and pop is my favorite." I answer uncertainly, surprised I had said so much.

"Sports?" Liam prods.

"Soccer, and mixed martial arts."

"I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!" Niall exclaims from behind me, scaring me.

"For what, martial arts?" I question. "You would lose."

"I don't doubt that." he nods, causing me to grin on the inside. "I meant for soccer. Louis and I are big football-- I mean-- soccer players."

"Alright." I consider, my nerves easing with topic of things I know. "Soooo are you guys originally from here-- England?"
"We all are except for Niall." Zayn answers. "He's Irish."

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