Chapter 24

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Harry's POV

Well, that trip was something else. I can't believe some guy ripped his pants off. Actually, I can believe. And those people under the bridge, I could tell Parker was a little nervous.

The bus ride was amusing as well. We had a group sitting behind us talking about different ways to kiss and... other things. Parker had been trying to laugh it off to show us it wasn't bothering her, but it even made me a little uncomfortable.

Now, we're walking across the muggy parking lot, our clothes sopping wet and our towels just the same.

"I did have fun," Parker says. "But now, not so much."

"At least you're not chaffing." Niall glares at me.

"Who says I'm not?" she argues.

"Stop arguing; I'm about to lose it." Louis states, unlocking the truck and opening the trunk.

Zayn sets the cooler and wet towels in the trunk and we all start to pile in. Sitting in the very back, I try not to move; the water is squishing underneath me and I cringe. I fold my hands in my lap and Louis turns on the car, cold air blowing us in the face.

"Ahhh! Turn it off! Turn it off!" Niall screams next to me, frantically trying to cover up the air vent with his hands.

Parker fumbles with the air-conditioning controls and manage to shut it off. Niall lets out a sigh of relief and cuddles into me, making me shiver and look out the window. Its freezing!

"How much longer?" Parker asks, rubbing he hands up and down her arms and legs to keep them warm.

"We just started driving," Louis says, sighing as he pulls out onto the highway.

I pull out my phone, nudging Niall off of me, and log onto Twitter. I tweet: "Just got stormed on and saw a naked man on a rock. Fun fun."

I scroll through my feed and follow several people and like a couple photos. I turn off my phone and lean back against the seat, brushing my damp hair out of my face and staring out the window.

We arrive back at the house and we all jump out as quickly as we can, taking in the heat on our cool skin. I open the trunk and take the cooler out, along with the damp towels. Parker runs inside and we follow after her, desperate for dry clothes and hot food; I'm done with watermelon for a while.

I set the cooler in the garage and walk back into the house. I hear showers running, but other than that, the house is silent. I run upstairs into my room and strip from my wet clothes, putting on boxers and a long-sleeve black shirt. I throw my hair into a bun (yes, I know, long hair, girly hair, got it) and walk out of my room, back down the stairs.

Liam and Niall are cooking food in the kitchen, and Parker and Zayn are sitting on the living room floor. Parker is painting on a canvas with Zayn giving her pointers. Louis is sitting on the couch behind them, snapping a quick picture and then typing on his phone.

My phone buzzes (like it always does) and I pull it out, pulling up Twitter.

A picture of Parker and Zayn sitting where they are now, bent over the painting, is on Twitter. @Louis_Tomlinson: "@zaynmalik and @parker_tomlinson creating an evil painting that will obliterate the earth!"

I roll my eyes, like the tweet, and put my phone back in my pocket. I honestly still haven't figured out what goes on in Louis's mind.

I sit myself down next to Parker and she looks up at me briefly, casting a quick smile before looking back down at the painting, her eyes focused on the black line she's drawing. She's wearing red plaid pajama pants and a black t-shirt, and her army green beanie is on her head; dang it, she found it.

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