Chapter 34

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Parker's POV

"Be careful! You're not aloud to run!" Harry shouts, making the other boys chuckle as I ignore him.

I stop in the middle of the huge road, staring up at the cruise ship. It's been about a month since my surgery, and I have been walking for three weeks. I still have to wear the huge black brace that goes all the way up to my crotch, and I have to lock it so I can only bend my leg at a 90 degree angle at most. I'm not aloud to run until four months out of surgery either, but... it's just so tempting!

"Parker," Louis states, walking up next to me. "No. Running. I don't want you tearing another ACL."

"You don't understand how hard it is!" I groan, dragging my suitcase behind me. "It's like you being told not to sing."

He scoffs. "I doubt."

"Okay, maybe not," I huff. "But that's how it is for fighting."

"Just walking and barely swimming. That's what the doctor and your physical therapist said, so that's what you'll do."

I refrain from rolling my eyes and we all walk forward into the building. We wait in the forever-lasting line, playing tons of ABC games to keep us occupied. When we finally make it into the ship, my eyes widen at how beautiful it is. Its like an old Victorian hotel, with graceful architecture and lots of red and white.

Tons of people mill around and I try to keep myself from punching someone. They're are in my personal bubble. Too close.

An old man knocks into me accidentally and I hold my breath. Niall gives me a warning look and I sigh.

Then, a little kid runs into me and I lose it. I go to punch him, but Niall quickly pulls me back into his chest.

"Alright, where's the rooms?" Niall asks quickly, fear hinted in his voice as he grips my arm. I didn't necessarily mean to almost punch the kid. My fist has a mind of its own since it hasn't been able to fight for the past month.

We all jump into the elevator and a bunch of people pile in. Okay, the boys should of thought of a less-crowded vacation. Harry blocks me from the other people, probably for their safety and not mine. We finally reach the penthouse floor and walk down the hall.

"From now on, we take the stairs," I say, brushing a blonde streak out of my face.

"From now on, don't punch people," Niall says, glaring at me.

Louis's eyes busy out of his head. "You punched someone?!"

"No!" I exclaims, sighing in exasperation. "I almost did, but I didn't."

"Do we need to lock you in a cage?" Zayn asks, smirking slightly as he stops in front of a purple door.

"Maybe," I say, shrugging my shoulder as he takes out his keycard. "Or just leave me in the room the whole time with unlimited room service."

"You barely eat," Harry points out from behind me as Zayn pushes the door open.

"I do to," I huff, crossing my arms.

"Lucky Charms don't count," he says, raising an eyebrow.

"I ate the marshmallows," I mumble.

"That's not any better," he sighs, rolling his eyes and walking inside the room where Zayn and Niall disappeared.

I step inside and grin. The floor is dark purple, and the sofa in light purple. The far wall is all glass that opens to a deck. There's a desk and and a small closet with a small bathroom. There's two beds, and I'm guessing the couch is a pull-out couch.

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