Chapter 15

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Zayn's POV

So at the moment, we are all charging up the stairs after Parker because she has something to do with her medication pills disappearing. We're all pretty mad, but I think that's why Louis's trying to make it into a game.

We make it to the top of the stairs and Liam orders, "Everyone split up. We have a teenage girl to find."

We all nod our heads and split up. Instead of checking my own bedroom like everyone else, I decide to go into Parker's. Everything is clean, black, and organized. The graffiti on the wall (with, of course, my help)
looks awesome and I can't help but admire it. Anyway, back to Parker. I start to walk towards her bathroom on the other side of her bed, but freeze in my tracks when I see the window crack open slightly at it's base as of someone was trying to close it, but ran out of time.

I make a decision and hide next to the window and press myself against the wall. As I predicted, the window squeaks a few seconds later and I see a bare foot poke through the window. Then a plaid-purple pair of pajama pants, and then a pair of hands, and then a face. Her eyes search warily and before she can spot me, I capture her in my arms.

She lets out a gasp and struggles strongly. "LET ME GO!"

"No, we need to go to the boys."

"ZAYN, SERIOUSLY, I CAN'T BREATHE." Parker panics, sinking to the floor. I let go of her, but a keep a hand on her shoulder, coaxing her to look at me and focus. Parker looks up, but her breathing is ragged and fast.

Finally, she calms down and shakes my hand off her shoulder. She stands up abruptly and frowns, brushing herself off. "Why can't a girl get some personnel space around here!"

I roll my eyes at her attitude and throw her over my shoulder. She protests and slams her fist against my back. She weighs nothing, as light as a feather, but her fists are making me wince every time her knuckles come in contact with my skin.

I make it down stairs and throw her down on the couch. She scurries into the corner of it and pulls a pillow over her, only her eyes visible over the top of it. "Boys, she's down here!" I call, crossing my arms with confidence. I thought Parker and I were on good terms, but apparently not since she just dented my back like a metal garbage can.

A rush of footsteps pound the stairs and the lads appear. Louis plops down next to Parker, then Harry next to Louis, and then Niall next to Harry. Liam stands up with me. Harry lifts up the empty, transparent, orange bottle in his fingers and has a stern look on his face.

"Where'd the rest of these go?" Harry questions, his green eyes unmoving from hers.

Parker looks slightly afraid and sinks back against the arm of the couch. "I don't know." she whispers.

"Yes, you do." Harry corrects. "Otherwise you wouldn't have ran from us. So do you know where they are?"

Parker sighs and nods her head. "I know where they are." she mumbles.

"Where?" Harry questions.

"In the toaster." she whispers, her eyes alight with hidden humor.

I let out a giggle at how random that sounded, but cough to cover it when everyone stares at me.

"No wonder my toast wouldn't cook this morning!" Niall exclaims, pouting.

"Wait, you used it?" Harry questions him. Niall nods his head uncertainly and Harry jumps up from the couch, rushing over to the toaster in the kitchen. He pulls out the old piece of toast Niall left in the there, and he lifts it in the air. On the bottom of the toast is a sticky white substance. I burst out laughing along with Niall at the sight of the melted pills coating the bottom of the toast.

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