Chapter 7

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Zayn's POV

I wake up feeling horrible. I guess I had forgotten to close my blinds, because the sun's light is shining in my eyes, making me squint. I sit up in the white sheets and rub the sleep out of my eyes, yawning. The events of last night come to mind, and I can't believe what my memory tells me: Parker jumped onto a car. We were all shocked when we got the call from the police; they had called the home phone and Liam had actually got up to answer the phone. He then had ran down the hall, yelling for us to get up and get in the car. When we heard the news, we were all shocked, and had anticipated seeing Parker.

What confused me was why she ran away. Why? She seemed perfectly fine being with us, actually smiling and telling us about herself. But I guess that was just an outer shell. She is a very sneaky and strategic girl. We'll have to keep an eye on her at all times now, at least until we can trust her again.
What broke my heart though was when she asked me if I could forgive her.



"Will you ever forgive me?"

"... Ask me tomorrow."

I felt slightly guilty for saying it to her like that, but after what had happened, I honestly didn't know what to think; plus, it was 1 in the morning. I need my sleep.

But maybe today should be different: happy and normal-- our first full day with our daughter, shopping for clothes and decorations for her room.
I smile to myself, swinging my legs out of the bed and standing up on the soft carpet. I stretch my arms out, letting out one last yawn, and then bend down to dig through my dresser drawers. I pick out black jeans, black boots (like Parker's, ironically), a black AC/DC shirt, and my dark brown leather jacket. I stroll into my bathroom, quickly styling-up the front, and doing all the other morning rituals.
I hear singing in the hallway as I walk out of my bathroom and frown in confusion. But then I grin humorously, realizing that Niall and Harry are singing the old war song, "it's time to get up".

I walk out of my bedroom and walk straight across the couple feet, and I lean against Harry's bedroom doorway. Inside Harry's room, Niall and Harry are jumping up and down on the bed, Parker groaning and rolling over onto her stomach, her face buried in the pillow; wow, just like me. They're shouting the lyrics of the song, doing everything possible to annoy her.

"It's time to get up," Niall sings.

"It's time to get up," Harry grins.

"It's time to get up in the morning! It's time to get up and play!" they shout.

"...nsjjfkkaghdkopdi." Parker mumbles through her pillow.

"Parker, we will unsheathe the covers from your body and everyone will see you in my boxers and shirt." Harry crosses his arms.

Parker hesitates, weighing the ups and downs of the situation, then says: "You've already seen me in these. "

"She's good." Niall sighs, falling onto her from his standing position.
She lets out a strangled groan and lifts her head from the pillow to get back the air that was knocked out of her, trying to scramble out from under him. "Niall, you idiot!" Parker scorns, hitting him with her pillow and then burying herself under the sheets once more.

Niall chuckles and gets up off the bed, casually whistling as Harry also gets off the bed. He then yanks the sheets off Parker, revealing her black "pj's". Parker mutters something indistinct and pulls her knees up to her chest.

"Okay, that's it." Harry rolls his eyes.

He walks up to the edge of the bed and pulls her off the bed and onto her feet. Parker immediately flinches away and accidentally runs herself into Louis who's standing in the middle if the room. She backs up and stands still, breathing in and out slowly.

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