Chapter 14

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Louis's POV

Let's just say... the movie was frightening. Well, not like a horror movie, but there was a lot of blood and death. Parker seemed to be completely entertained, her hazel eyes glued to the TV screen, reflecting the war. It's kind of funny how her eyes were reflecting the fighting when she herself is fighting internally with herself. I can see it, and I know the other guys can as well.

Harry is cowering under his blanket, Zayn looking like he wants to do the same. Niall's eyes are wide in shock, a pillow pulled to his chest, and Liam is nervously glancing at the windows. I, on the other hand, am observing Parker half of the time so I don't have to look at Chris Hemsworth get shot in the head and die. That guy is pretty cool!

Finally, the movie ends and the credits roll. Liam immediately jumps up from his chair and flicks on the lights, causing all of us to flinch and squint our eyes from being kept in the dark for two hours. I almost want to burst out laughing at all of our unsure and scared faces, but I myself am still unable to get my head together.

"Thanks for letting me watch." Parker simply states. She stand up from the couch, attempting to head towards the stairs, but Zayn interrupts.

"Harry, didn't we all have something to say?" Zayn questions, raising an eyebrow knowingly. What am I missing here? "You know, from yesterday morning?"

Realization dawns in Harry's eyes as he crawls out from under the blanket. "Oh yeah. Parker, come sit for a sec."

She does uncertainly, sitting on the floor next to the TV away from us. She fixes her beanie to hide herself and she brings her legs to her chest.

"We've been talking," Harry starts; obviously not, since I have no idea where this is going. "and we were wondering when you wanted to go to school?"

Parker's eyes freeze, but she stays silent. "Sure."

That wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Wasn't she supposed to throw a fit and cry and say she got bullied all the time? Well, now that you think about, she did tell us she used to do karate, so maybe no one messed with her.

"Oh." Harry says, slightly surprised, exchanging a look with Zayn next to him. "Ok. We'll start that after Spring Break. And one more thing. We've agreed that you should get counseling." Ooohh, I remember discussing this.

Anger flares in her eyes, reminding me of a dragon about to fight and blow fire. Thank goodness she's not a dragon though. "Why?" she asks through clenched teeth, her hands clamped together tightly around her knees.

"Well, your nightmares and how people can't touch you--"

"I can help myself!" Parker exclaims.

"We know you can, but sometimes everyone needs a little help." Zayn tries to calm her with a softer voice.

"The last thing I want is help." she states, her lips pursed into a straight line. "Especially from you guys."

And with that, she jumps to her feet and bolts up the stairs, leaving us defeated and glum. "I knew that was going to happen." Liam sighs from his chair.

"She just needs to open up!" Niall pulls at his hair in aggravation.

"We need to go talk to her." Harry says.

Zayn shrugs. "Well, she's pretty much pissed at us so--"

"I'll go talk to her." I volunteer. "I haven't really had any alone time with her, so I'll try."

The lads exchange looks and nod. "Alright." Harry nods. "Make us proud."

I rolls my eyes playfully and ruffle his curls as I walk by. I walk silently up the stairs, not wanting Parker to suddenly start barricading her bedroom door at the sound of my footsteps. I walk past Zayn's room on the right and stop in front of the second door. Don't worry, you can always escape into Liam's room behind you, I try to ease myself at the thought of Parker going into a mad frenzy. I hesitate, but then knock on the door three times.

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