Chapter 37

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Parker's POV

"Okay, you definitely need to wear... the black one," Sophia says.

"No, she needs to wear the white one. It's much more classy," Perrie counters

"I guess..." Sophia sighs, cocking her hip to the side.

I pick up the white dress and walk into their bathroom, changing into it. The white dress has a sweet-heart neckline, and jewels to look like a belt. The bottom fans out a little, and I'm wearing shiny white heels that I hate with all my heart. Most of my heart.

I walk out and blush when Perrie and Danielle squeal.

"Oh, honey, you look gorgeous!" Perrie exclaims, ushering me to sit on the stool in front of the mirror. "Alright, I'm gonna do your make-up and hair, while Sophia... well, she can just watch."

Sophia scoffs. "I'll keep that in mind next time you need my help."

Perrie rolls her eyes and grins, getting to work on my hair. Since its naturally straight, she pulls the top half of my hair up, and let's it all fall down, so my hair is down, but out of my face.

For make-up, she tells me to close my eyes and I flinch back slightly when the cool eyeliner makes contact with my eyelid.

After a few minutes, Perrie says, "Open!"

I do and my lips part into a smile. I have black eyeing r along the top of my eyes that spike out in wings, and black mascara that make my eyes look more green than brown and my eyelashes thicker. My cheeks are tinted a light shade of pink over my newly tanned skin, and my lips have clear gloss.

"Thanks," I say, looking up at her and giving her a soft smile.

She smiles brightly, her blonde hair bouncing over her shoulders. "No problem! Now, girls, let's go to the ball!" she says dramatically, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet as Sophia walks over to the door with us.

Slipping out into the hall, Sopjia informs us, "The boys are already down in the ball room. They told us to meet them there."

As we walk down the hall and ride down in the elevator, I admire Sophia and Perrie's dresses. Sophia's dress is long and black, with long, lace sleeves. Her long, chocolatey, brown hair is in its natural waves, and she's wearing a gold necklace and dangling gold earrings.

Perrie's dress is long and red and made of silk, hugging her body. It's sleeveless and the neckline is straight across, where as Sophia's is a scoop neck. Perrie's earrings are dangling diamonds, and so is her necklace. They're both so pretty.

We exit the classy elevator and into the grand lobby, where tons of dressed up people are mingling and sipping from wineglasses. We walk the long distance to the front of the boat where the grand ballroom is. I hear the music as we stroll to the open doors.

Inside, colorful lights are drifting around, not wild like a crazy party. There's a few long tables along the brown walls presenting lots of snacks and beverages. What are you supposed to do here besides talk and drink champagne?

"Parker!" Louis exclaims, rushing towards us with a huge smile on his face. He swoops me into his arms and spins me around, making me laugh as he gently sets me down. "You look bea-u-tiful," he sings, grinning down at me.

I smile and hug him tightly before stepping back.

"We'll only stay for an hour or so," Liam informs us, draping his arm over Sophia's shoulder. "Enjoy the party, lads. It's your last night in Hawaii."

Liam and Sophia walk off, and Zayn and Perrie walk off, leaving me with Louis, Niall, and Harry.

"So whatcha want to do?" Louis asks me.

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