Chapter 21

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Parker's POV

I wake up to sun shining in my eyes. I roll over and bury my head in my pillow, letting out a tired groan. I remember last night, but I feel like it was a dream-- laying against Louis's chest and him braiding my hair, feeling completely safe. I bring my hand up to my hair and feel it in its braid, and smile. It wasn't a dream.

I force myself out of the bed and see that it's 11 o'clock already. I hate that I sleep so late. I waste half the day away.

I stumble around my bed and over to my dresser, shaking my head to try and wake myself up. I open the little doors and pick out my black shirt with the white doodles on it. I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and walk into my bathroom. I change out of my pajamas and slip my clothes on, tugging my boots onto my feet. They're starting to get a little small.

I brush my teeth and decide to leave my hair in its braid since it's not that messy. I run out of my bathroom, put my phone in my back pocket, and run out of my room and down the stairs.

I smell food when my feet touch down in the living room and my stomach growls.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Liam sings from the couch, grinning at me before looking back at the TV. All these boys do is watch TV.

I smile and walk towards the kitchen, Harry walking past me and ruffling my hair. I swat his hand away, making him chuckle as he plops down next to Liam and rest his legs on Liam's lap.

I stroll into the kitchen and jump up on the counter next to the stove where Louis is cooking breakfast. He looks up at me and smiles brightly, taking my attention off his weird emoji boxers.

"Morning, Parks. How'd you sleep?" he asks, flipping the pancakes.

"Good," I say, swinging my legs back and forth, my feet hitting the cabinets below. "What's the plan for today?"

"Well," he bites his lip. "The lads and I have to go to a serious meeting with Modest! and a recording session in 45 minutes or so. We have a few of our friends coming down to watch you while we're gone."

I frown and my heart falls. "Oh. And I can't come?"

Niall walks into the kitchen and gives me a sympathetic smile, leaning against the sink. "We wish you could, love. But the meeting is to actually talk about you. And the guys coming over are wicked. You'll have a blast."

"But..." I pause, trying to not sound nervous. "What if something goes wrong? Like... I have a heart attack or a robber terrorizes us and steals all our stuff?"

Louis chuckles, stacking the pancakes onto a plate and putting more mix on the pan. "You'll be absolutely fine. These lads are the coolest guys ever. They're also a band-- pop/punk-ish -- 5 Seconds of Summer. Ever heard of them?"

I shake my head, still not thrilled about the idea. "So I'll get whacked on the head with an electric guitar and beat with drumsticks instead."

Louis rolls his eyes. "Love, you'll be fine. If anything happens, which nothing will, you can round-house kick them into next week. Good?"

I sigh and slouch, stopping my swinging legs. "I guess."

Niall reaches over me, his Axe filling my senses, and he steps back, dropping my pills into my hand. He pours me a glass of water and hands it to me.

"Bottoms up," he says, smirking at his little joke.

I roll my eyes and take the pills, setting the glass down in the granite counter. Louis finishes the pancakes and walks out of the kitchen and to the table, setting the plate of pancakes in the center. The boys all grab seats, and I walk over to the table, sitting in my regular end-seat. I take a two pancakes, Niall patting me on the back in approval, and I start to eat, dipping the pieces into the syrup.

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