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today's theme: selection

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today's theme: selection

"So as you can see, we have official tournaments about twice a month. One will always be local, never more than a thirty minute drive, and one will require travel. In past years, we've gone to places like Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore, Venice, and more." 

Chan stood on the giant stage of the auditorium, speaking out to dozens of faces. He had never imagined a day like this would come, but for once in his three years of being first Vice Captain and now Captain, he actually had to hold a microphone in his hand when he presented.

"Of course, the Global Debate Board offers tournaments almost every weekend in hundreds of different cities. You can definitely go to any of them, despite our lack of attendance. The only thing would be that you'd have to pay for your travel, living, and registration fees alone. The Academy will not cover that for you."

In the audience below him, Minho and Hyunjin sat on either side of Jisung, with Felix and the nuclear duo to Minho's right. Changbin was up onstage with Chan, helping him with the presentation. Having heard this same spiel year after year, it bore him to pieces.

"I still find this crowd insane," Jisung whispered, loud enough for his friends to hear but quietly so as not to disturb anyone else.

"You don't get to say a single word about this," Hyunjin hissed through his plastic coffee straw. He was still recovering from his few seconds in the spotlight.

Five minutes ago, before the presentation was about to start, he came moonwalking into the auditorium, holding coffee and singing at the top of his lungs, expecting a measly kid or two who accidentally wandered into the debate team.

That, obviously, did not go well.

The stares of all those students made him instantly freeze up. It was like catching a deer in headlights, and it took Seungmin and Jeongin a full five minutes to stop laughing about it.

"Maybe grow some social awareness next time, you dumb cow."

"Cows are sacred in some parts of the world. Meanwhile, squirrels are the first thing you hunt down in an apocalypse because they're so fat, easy and useless. Remember to say hi to Katniss Everdeen for me."

"I'd rather get eaten by the main character and leader of a revolution than served up in some fancy Capitol party for ugly child murderers to enjoy. You bourgeoisie cocksucker."

Minho gently interrupted their bickering. "I didn't mean to get so many people," he apologized. "I just got caught up in their insults, and before I knew it, I sort of started talking. And then walking."

Jisung turned to face Minho now, instantly wiping his attention away from Hyunjin. "Never. You were literally amazing. It was like watching you live at a tournament, I almost got goosebumps."

"Simp," Hyunjin coughed out. 

Next to Minho, Felix snorted and shared an air high-five with him.

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