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today's theme: return

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today's theme: return

Minho fiddled with the zipper on his jacket nervously. According to Maia, they'd be let out in a few seconds, and this could really go in so many directions.

It was Thursday, and he was completely out of fucking ideas.

Whatever he had told Chan on Monday was complete bullshit; no, trying did not do anything. It only messed with head and his confidence even more.

He had passed it off as something completely achievable, but in reality, he was scared to death. There was no way he could let Jisung quit like this, so easily, so out of his mind and out of instinct, yet he couldn't do shit about it.

Admittedly, it was extremely hypocritical of him to think like this, but that was another topic for another time.

He had completely abandoned the strategy of trying to talk to him in person last month. Every time he even slightly mentioned anything remotely close to debate, Jisung would change the subject or pretend he didn't hear him until Minho stopped repeating his statement. One time, he even got up and left and ignored him for the next two days. Minho had to bribe him back into his arms with cheesecake and free food from Bella's.

It wore him out, and he was the only doing it at this point—everyone else had given up—but stopping meant letting go of him, and that wasn't going to be an option for a million years.

Minho sighed, checking the clock again. He was currently almost three hours outside of the City, having called in sick to the Academy for the day. Being lost was a horrible feeling, so he did the only thing he knew he could do: ride away.

Compared to his usual trips, though, he actually had a destination in mind.

He heard the bell ring, and his heartbeat sped up almost twice fold.

They'd be here any moment.

He stood up straight, positioning himself at the front and center of the classroom, and gave his outfit a once-over. He had made sure to pull out some of his old clothes, the ones he wore before moving into the City. Showing up at this place in some of his current wear would probably freak these people out.

He had to tell Hyunjin to stop buying him random designer products—who even decided to spend a thousand dollars on his friends because they were bored? Books existed for a reason.

The Academy really rich-ified him, huh.

The door opened, and the first few kids trickled in. A few of them were engrossed in a conversation, the others just dangerously walking with their phones out, but all of them came to a screeching halt in their tracks when they saw Minho there.

"Uh. Hi." He gave them a small smile, before looking away.

There were audible gasps, shrieks, and the quiet, distracted shuffling of footsteps of people as they claimed their desks while keeping their eyes on him. All of them, as they filed into the classroom, didn't dare approach him, keeping a respectful distance and letting their stares speak for themselves.

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